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Hall of Fame

Guillermo Pardo

Nòmber                 :  Guillermo Crescensio Pardo                      

Fecha Nasementu  :  14 sèptèmber 1920 

Lugá                      :  Kòrsou

Deporte                 :  Futbòl

Fayesé                   : 15 mart 1996

A drenta salon di fama na 1989

 Guillermo Cresensio Pardo, mehor konosí komo Guillermito, Guillermito ku su 13 aña a kuminsá hunga futbòl den e ekipo hubenil di RKSV Jong Holland i for di e tempu ei nunka a bandoná fila di e ekipo aki.

Ku su 15 aña Guillermito ta pasa pa e promé onsena di e ekipo aki sin ku e tabata tin mester di hunga promé den segundo team manera tabata normal pa e otro hungadónan. E aktuashon sobresaliente di Guillermito den ramo di e deporte aki a pone ku e futbolista aki ku apénas 15 aña ta debutá na 1935 den Selekshon Nashonal di Kòrsou. Debí na su talento, su habilidat den dominio di e bala i su pasonan a la perfekshoná, e futbolista aki ta mantené su posishon den Selekshon Nashonal di Kòrsou te ku aña 1944.

Guillermito tabata tin aktuashon ku Selekshon di Kòrsou na Costa Rica i Venezuela. Na tur e dos paísnan aki Guillermito tabata tin un aktuashon sobresaliente i a risibí oferta di kontrakt. Tambe Guillermito a entrená bou di guia di e brasilero Pedro Da Cunha pa despues sirbi komo asistente. Guillermito a bishita Hondúras na 1957 ku Selekshon di Kòrsou den e funshon aki.

Sin duda nos mester konsiderá Guillermito Pardo komo un di nos pilarnan grandi den futbòl den tur tempu.

English Version

Guillermo Cresensio Pardo, better known as Guillermito, began playing football at the age of 13 in the youth team of RKSV Jong Holland, and since then, he has never left the ranks of this team. At the age of 15, Guillermito moved up to the first team without having to play in the second team first, as was the norm for other players. Guillermito’s outstanding performance in this sport led to him making his debut for the Curaçao National Team in 1935, at the young age of 15. Thanks to his talent, ball control skills, and perfected moves, Guillermito maintained his position in the Curaçao National Team until 1944.

 Guillermito had notable appearances with the Curaçao National Team in Costa Rica and Venezuela. In both countries, he performed exceptionally well and received contract offers. Guillermito also trained under the guidance of the Brazilian Pedro Da Cunha and later served as an assistant coach. In 1957, Guillermito visited Honduras with the Curaçao National Team in this capacity.

 Undoubtedly, we should consider Guillermito Pardo as one of our great pillars in football throughout the years.