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Hall of Fame

Ricardo Elhage

Franklin Wilfred Mathilda, mihó konosí komo Frank,


a nasé dia 21 di novèmber 1949.

Ku 6 aña di edat Frank a kuminsá praktiká futbòl, basketbòl, vòlibòl i pinpòn.

E deporte ku Frank a desaroyá den dje ta pinpòn. Ku su 18 aña di edat el a representá Kòrsou komo hungadó internashonal,Komo Atleta Franklin a representá Korsou den diferente pais

Ku 24 aña  di edat Frank tabata presidente di direktiva di CTTB  ta para pa Curaçaose Tafeltennis Bond hoy en dia yama Federashon Tènis di Mesa Korsou  durante 2 aña . Frank tabata e motor tras di konstrukshon di sala Irene Moreno na Muizenberg.


Na 1977 Frank ta bira vise presidente di Federación Sentro i Sur América;

na 1980 vise presidente Federashon di Karibe;

na 1982 Frank ta bira pa di 2 biaha presidente di CTTB;

na 1985 Frank ta wòrdu skohé komo dirigente atministrativo di aña pa CSF;

1986 presidente di Federashon Antiano;

1987 Frank ta wòrdu nombra komo “Councel member di Internationale Tafeltennis Federatie “;

Na 1988 Frank a lanta DONIC, kual te dia di awe ta konta bou di esunnan mas fuerte na Kòrsou;

Tambe Frank tabata coach i entrenadó di federashon di pinpòn kuminsando na e edat di 22 aña . na 1977 Frank a sigui kurso  di entrenadó na México durante un luna bou ouspisio di ODEPA  ITTF. Frank tabata entrenadó di federashon di 1977 pa 1981. I komo coach el a kompaña diferente hungadónan. lokal na torneonan internashonal.

Ku 22 aña Franklin tabata fungi komo wes i na 1983 e la logra bira empayer internashonal di tènis di mesa. E la para komo e inspirando despues pa Korsou haña un kuerpo di empakenan internashonal pa kua Korsou te ku awe ta ser rekordá ku hopi bon palabra internashonalmente.

Algun presentashon di Frank den eksterior:

1970 na Ulanda i Peru,          

1971 na Venezuela,  

1972 na Venezuela i Rep.Dominicano,         

1973 na Hungrٕía, Juguslavia i China,           

1974 na Colombia i Peru,

1975 na Nigeria,        

1976 na Urugua i Cuba,        

1977 na Venezuela i Guyana.

Distinshonnan risibí:

1977 nombrá presidente honorario di CTTB,           

1999 ITTF Merit Award na Ulanda,

2001 plaka pa logronan ku 45 aña di CTTB,            

2007 nombrá miembro honorario di federashon di Sur Amérika,    

2012 ULTM Merit Award na El Salvador i plaka di mérito di federashon di Peru,   

2014 plaka di mérito na okashon di 30 aña di Sentro Rekreo Irene Moreno.

1978 presidente di Sta. Maria Pirates,

1981 sekretario di FEBEKO,

1982 sekretario di Curaçao Little League,

1984 presidente di CSF,

1985 presidente di FFK,

1998 presidente konseho deportive Sta. Maria,

1999 sekretario di NAOC,

2001 miembro di direktiva di FFK,

2014 komisario FDDK.

English version


At the age of 6, Frank started practicing football, basketball, volleyball, and table tennis. The sport that Frank developed expertise in was table tennis. At the age of 18, he represented Curaçao as an international player. As an athlete, Franklin represented Curaçao in various countries.

At 24 years old, Frank became the president of the board of CTTB (Curaçaose Tafeltennis Bond), now called Federashon Tènis di Mesa Korsou, for 2 years. Frank played a crucial role in the construction of the Irene Moreno hall in Muizenberg.

In 1977, Frank became the vice president of the Central and South America Federation, and in 1980, the vice president of the Caribbean Federation. In 1982, Frank became the president of CTTB for the second time. In 1985, he was chosen as the administrative leader of the year for CSF (Central and South America Federation). In 1986, he became the president of the Antillean Federation. In 1987, Frank was appointed as a Council Member of the International Table Tennis Federation.

In 1988, Frank founded DONIC, which is currently one of the strongest entities in Curaçao. Additionally, Frank served as the coach and trainer of the table tennis federation, starting at the age of 22. In 1977, he attended a coaching course in Mexico under the sponsorship of ODEPA ITTF, and he continued to coach the federation from 1977 to 1981. As a coach, he accompanied different players to local and international tournaments.

At the age of 22, Franklin served as a referee, and in 1983, he became an international umpire in table tennis. His inspiring role paved the way for Curaçao to gain international recognition and respect.

Some of Frank’s international presentations include visits to the Netherlands and Peru in 1970, Venezuela in 1971, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic in 1972, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and China in 1973, Colombia and Peru in 1974, Nigeria in 1975, Uruguay and Cuba in 1976, and Venezuela and Guyana in 1977.

Frank received several honors, including being named honorary president of CTTB in 1977, the ITTF Merit Award in the Netherlands in 1999, a plaque for 45 years of service to CTTB in 2001, being named an honorary member of the South American Federation in 2007, the ULTM Merit Award in El Salvador and a plaque of merit from the Peru Federation in 2012, and a plaque of merit on the occasion of 30 years of the Irene Moreno Recreation Center in 2014.

In addition to his contributions to table tennis, Frank held various positions in sports organizations, such as president of Sta. Maria Pirates in 1978, secretary of FEBEKO in 1981, secretary of Curaçao Little League in 1982, president of CSF in 1984, president of FFK in 1985, president of the Santa Maria Sports Council in 1998, secretary of NAOC in 1999, a member of the FFK board of directors in 2001, and commissioner of FDDK in 2014.