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1. Federashon Ahedres Kòrsou (Curaçao Chess Federation)

Unlike other sports, Chess does not just temporarily give e person a moment of physical glory, but Chess improves the mental capacities for the rest of her/ his life. Research has consistently shown the positive effects of chess on the mental abilities and academic performance of both children and adults, such as:

  • improvement of cognitive skills, concentration, strategical and tactical thinking,
  • improve social interaction, emotional intelligence, resilience, perseverance
  • stimulate brain neurons, delay progress of Alzheimer, memory/ concentration loss

Chess does not cause physical injuries, is cheap (a complete game set costs as from Naf 10 and can be played personally or on smartphone any moment 24/7!

Therefore the goals of Fedako are:

  1. Broad Sport: bring the great benefits of Chess to as much possible people, as inclusive as possible, reach out to sub groups: girls, children, elderly/ lonely/ socially isolated, those of limited physical/ mental skills, financially weak, etc.
  2. Top Sport: facilitate Curaçao’s talents to develop and achieve excellence

    Curaçao Talents have a long tradition of proven Superb Results in international CHESS Tournaments:
  • Olympiad 2022 in India: Curacao’s Rishab Anandbahadoer, 14 years, WON the norm for Title of Candidate Master of Chess for the rest of his life!
  • Olympiad 1996 in Armenia: Maria Diaz, 15 years, won the BRONS MEDAL and won the Title of Fide Master!
  • Olympiad 1988 in Greece: Rurik Capella, 19 years, WON the SILVER MEDAL and Title of Fide Master!
  • Olympiad 1986 in Dubai: Alvin Smith almost won the GOLD MEDAL and won the Title of Fide Master (score 8 points in 11 games, Garry Kasparov: 8½ points)

Candidate Master: Seydi Salim-Moussa, Sherman Maduro, Mariana Sanchez

  • Fide Master: Ursus van Bemmelen, Willem Blijstra, Fabio Mensing, Ailen Mena 

In 1962, Curacao hosted the CANDIDATES TOURNAMENT -wherein also the Chess legend BOBBY FISHER played- to determine the Challenger of the World Champion of the International Chess Federation FIDE!
FEDAKO organizes yearly tournaments like:

o   The National Chess Open Championship

o   The National Chess Female Championship

o   The National Chess Youth Championship

o   The National Chess Children Championship

o   The National Chess Blitz Championship

o   Registers players and ratings at the International Chess Federation (FIDE)

 The following Chess Clubs can be approached for other games/ tournaments/ competitions:

–         Nacho Moron Chess Club, Julian Diaz De Pool: tel +5999-5123509, j.diazdepool@gmail.com

–         Janwe Chess Club: mr FM Alvin Smith +59996710156, chessclubjanwe@outlook.com

–         Capablanca Chess Club: mr Jimmy Izijk +59995120007

 The following Chess Schools/ Teachers can be approached for lessons:

– Curacao Chess Players Foundation, ‎mr FM Alvin Smith +59996710156, chessclubjanwe@outlook.com

– ‎Curacao Youth Chess Institute, mr Jimmy Izijk +59995120007, curacaokidschess@gmail.com

– miss Taqesyah Marcos: +59995221113, taqesyah1510@gmail.com

– ‎mr FM Fabio Mensing +59995175546, fabiomensing@hotmail.com

– ‎mr Umar Marcos +59995158677, kodachi-u@hotmail.com

– ‎mr Gilliano Jubitana +59996694321, gillianojubitana@gmail.com

– ‎mr Riangelo Da Silva De Goes +59995209779, riogois1995@gmail.com

The current Fedako board consists of the following volunteers:

1)    Paul Berkenveld (President), +5999 695.3933

2)    Norman Hodgson (Secretary),

3)    Riangelo Da Silva De Goes (Treasurer),

4)    Denzil Phillips (Member and Vice-President).

Curaçao Chess Federation, FEDAKO

Tel: +5999 695.3933
Mail: curacaochessfederation@gmail.com
Website: www.curacaochessfederation.com
Facebook: Federashon di Ahedres di Kòrsou



2. Curaçaose Atletiek Bond (Curaçao Athletics Federation)

Curaçaose Atletiek Bond, Curaçao Athletic Federation, is the national Track & Field Federation in Curaçao, which was founded in 1966. It has a total of 12 affiliated Track & Field member Clubs, with approximately 275 active member athletes. The main goal of the federation for track & field in Curaçao is to make this sport in Curaçao from good to better, by strengthening, innovating, and organizing optimum championships.

In a constantly changing playing field of trends and developments, of heroes and hypes, is adaptation and innovation essential for participation. And so, it is important to focus on those activities that make a difference and have an impact. Therefore, initiatives that radiate ambition and energy need to be supported where collaboration is an obvious condition. Only then will it be possible to realize the ambition and thereby maintain and strengthen the upward trend of track and field in Curaçao.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Caimin Douglas (President), Engelberto Dall (Vice President), Stacey Rene (treasurer), Tamara Salbach (Secretary), Atilio Louisa (member)

Mail: board@curacaoatletiekbond.com
Website: www.curacaoatletiekbond.com
Facebook: Curacao Athletics Federation
Instagram: Curacao Athletics Federation



3. Asosashon Pasofino Kòrsou (Curaçao Horse-riding Association)

AspafikoThe association’s goal is to promote horse sports in general, especially the sport of paso fino, and to encourage all exercises that align with the rules of CONFEPASO and the ASPAFIKO statute. This focus aims to create an environment where horse sports can develop and thrive.

In essence, this means that the association is dedicated to advancing equestrian activities, with a particular emphasis on the paso fino breed of horses and ensuring that all exercises and practices adhere to the regulations set by CONFEPASO and the ASPAFIKO statute. This helps maintain the standards and integrity of these equestrian sports while fostering their growth.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Alfonso Zinhagel (President), Angelique Dupree (treasurer), Reugene Provence (Secretary), Henrich Den Haage (member), Jerome Eduarda (member), Marveley Ignacio (member), Quency Martes (member), Stanley Ignacio (member), Sugeirah Zinhagel (member)


Mail: aspafiko@gmail.com
Facebook: Aspafiko Curaçao
Instagram: Aspafiko Curaçao


4. Curaçaose Basketball Federatie (Curaçao Basketball Federation)

CUBAFEThe Curaçao Basketball Federation is the governing body for basketball in Curaçao.

It is responsible for organizing and promoting basketball events, developing the sport at various levels, and representing Curaçao in international basketball competitions.

Mail: info@curacaobasketball.com
Website: https://curacaobasketball.com
Facebook: Curaçao Basketball Federation (CUBAFE)

5. Curaçao Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation

 The mission of Curaçao Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation is to foster the growth, development, and excellence of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu within our community. We are dedicated to promoting the principles of respect, discipline and sportsmanship while providing a safe and inclusive environment for practitioners of all ages and skill levels. Through organized competitions, educational programs, and community outreach we aim and elevate the practice of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instilling a sense of camaraderie and lifelong learning.

The Curaçao Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation envisions a vibrant and united community where Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu serves as a catalyst for personal growth, physical well-being, and mutual understanding. We aspire to be recognized hub for excellence in Jiu-Jitsu, known for our commitment to integrity, innovation, and the cultivation of a diverse and supportive Jiu-Jitsu family. Through continuous collaboration with our members, partners, and the wider community we strive to shape a future where the values learned on the mats transcend into positive contributions to society.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Christian Tjon (President), Andre Nagtegaal (Treasurer) and Cijnt Tjon (Secretary)


Mail: cbjjf599@gmail.com

Facebook: Curacao Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation

6. Federashon di beisbòl Kòrsou (Curaçao Baseball Federation)

The mission of Curaçao Baseball Federation is to foster excellence, unity, and passion for baseball in Curaçao. The Curaçao Baseball Federation is committed to developing, promoting, and sustaining the sport at all levels. We strive to empower players, coaches, and communities, promoting sportsmanship, inclusivity, and the pursuit of athletic and personal success.

The Curaçao Baseball Federation envisions a thriving baseball community where the love for the game transcends generations. We aim to be a catalyst for positive change, providing a dynamic platform that nurtures talent, instills values, and fosters a sense of pride in representing Curaçao on the national and international baseball stage. Our vision is to create an enduring legacy of baseball excellence, enhancing the overall well-being of our athletes and contributing to the vibrancy of our society.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Jedrek Magdalena (President), Wimsley van Heiningen (Vice president), Phaidra Nahar (Secretary), Mable da Costa Gomez (2nd secretary), Michelle Nahar (Treasurer) and Scarlet Zalm de Groot (Member).


Mail: info@baseballcuracao.com
Facebook: Curaçao Baseball Federation
Instagram: Curaçao Baseball Federation

7. Federashon Biyar Kòrsou (Curaçao Billiards Federation)

The Curaçao Billiards Federation is dedicated to promoting and advancing the sport of billiards in Curaçao. We strive to foster a vibrant and inclusive billiards community, providing opportunities for players of all ages and skill levels to participate, compete and develop their passion for the game. Through our commitment to excellence, sportsmanship, and collaboration, we aim to elevate the standards of billiards and contribute to the overall growth of the sport on the island.

 Our vision is to be recognized as a leading force in the development and promotion of billiards in Curaçao and beyond. We also envision a future where billiards is a widely celebrated and accessible sport, inspiring individuals to embrace the values of discipline, teamwork, and fair play. The Curaçao billiards Federation seeks to create a legacy of excellence, cultivating a strong foundation for the sports growth, nurturing talent, and fostering a sense of community among billiard enthusiasts.

 The current board consists of the following volunteers: Sybren Boekhoudt (President), Hugo Limon (Vice president), Nidia Daal (Secretary), Isidro Noor (Treasurer), Jonathan Diaz Hernandez (Commissioner), Gemajel Rol (Commissioner).

Mail: info@febiko.org
Facebook: FEBIKO
Website: www.febiko.org

8. Curaçao Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation

CBFF mission is to champion the holistic development of individuals by fostering a culture of health, fitness, and personal empowerment. Committed to excellence, inclusivity, and integrity. We strive to create a platform that promotes physical well-being, discipline, and sportsmanship. Through education, fair competition, and community engagement, we aim to inspire and support athletes of all levels on their journey to optimal health and fitness.

Our vision is to be the catalyst for a healthier and more resilient Curaçao. We envision a community where the Curaçao Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation stands as a beacon of inspiration, driving positive transformations in the lives of individuals. As we continuously evolve, our goal is to lead the way in advancing the standards of bodybuilding and fitness, cultivating an environment that encourages personal growth, camaraderie, and a lifelong commitment to well-being. Together, we aspire to shape a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive physically, mentally and socially.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Jermain Bongers (President), Mitchel Moreno (Vice President), Marcello Samson (Treasurer), Shurlette Connor (Secretary) and Evaristo Rijo (2nd Secretary).


Mail: curacaobbff@gmail.com
Facebook: Curaçao BBFF

9. Curaçao Boxing Association

The Curaçao Boxing Association is a non-profit organization with the aim of promoting boxing in Curaçao. The Curaçao Boxing Association was established on January 5th, 1977, as Curaçaose Amateur Boks Associatie (CABA). November 2014 the statutes and name were changed to the Curacao Boxing Association (CuraBox).

Unlike professional boxing (pro-boxing) there is only one world organization for Amateur Boxing, better known as Olympic boxing, and that is the International Boxing Association (IBA). Under the chairmanship of Edwin Baas, the country of Curaçao received membership of IBA , formerly known as AIBA..

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Edwin Baas (President), Andy Frans (Vice-president), Sem Klein (Treasurer), Erwin Kleiboer (Secretary), Huibertico Balentien (Commissioner).

As a national federation CuraBox is also an official member of AMBC (American Boxing Confederation), CBA (Caribbean Boxing Association) and FDOK (Federashon Deporte i Olímpiko Kòrsou).


Official Member of:
International Boxing Association (IBA)
American Boxing Confederation (AMBC)
Caribbean Boxing Association (CBA)
Federashon Deporte i Olímpiko Kòrsou (FDOK)


The following clubs/team are currently member of CuraBox:

  • AA Boxing
  • Baas Sports
  • Boka Boxing Club
  • Con’s Fitness
  • Immartial Athlete Centre
  • Jab Jab Korsou
  • Center
  • Pro-Fit Health & Martial Arts
  • Supreme Boxing Centre
  • Team Farao

Address: Sucuweg 10 Curacao
Tel.: +5999 5242504
Mail: curabox1977@gmail.com
Website: www.boxing.cw
Facebook: Cura Box or Curacao Boxing
Instagram: Curabox

10. Curaçao Bowling Association

Curaçao Bowling Association fosters the growth and development of bowling in Curaçao by providing a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes skill development, sportsmanship, and sense of community. We are committed to organizing high-quality bowling events, supporting our athletes, and cultivating a love for the sport among people of all ages and backgrounds.

The Curaçao Bowling Association envisions a future where bowling is a widely embraced and celebrated sport in our community. We strive to be a leading force in promoting excellence in bowling, cultivating a strong sense of camaraderie, and inspiring individuals to pursue their highest potential both on and off the lanes. Through innovation, collaboration, and dedication we aim to create a legacy of passionate bowlers who contribute positively to sport and society.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Giorgio Broos (President), Tito Fernandes (Vice president), Ramfis Steen (Treasurer), Andeline Johannes (Secretary) and Yannick Wever (Member).

Mail: contact@cuboa.com
Facebook: Cuboa
Website: www.cuboa.com


11. Federashon di Dam Kòrsou (Curaçao Draughts federation)

The Curaçao Draughts Federation is to add value, by means of education, teaching, and development of mind sports within the community of draughts players. It is also the mission to promote and stimulate those interested in the theory, practice, and benefit of the game of Draughts amongst the youth and our community.

The vision is for all eligible youth in Curaçao to be a responsible, participating citizen, guided by the highest standards possible.

The Curaçao Draughts Federation is member of:

  • Federashon Deporte i Olímpiko Kòrsou (FDOK)
  • Federation Mondiale Du Jeu de Dames (FMJD)
  • Panamerican Draughts and Checkers Confederation (PAMDCC)

The current board exist of the following volunteers: Clifton Agata (President), Arthur Johannes (Vice president), Miriam Peternella (Secretary), Danette Izijk (Treasurer), Aron Conquet (commissioner) and Monique Williams (Commissioner).

Mail: fedakorofficial@gmail.com
Website: www.fedakor.com
Facebook: Federashon Dam Kòrsou
Instagram: Fedakor

12. Curaçaose Domino Bond (Curaçao Domino Federation)

The mission of Curaçao Domino Federation is to promote, preserve and advance the rich culture heritage of dominoes in Curaçao. Through fostering a sense of community, sportsmanship, and inclusivity, we aim to elevate the sport of dominoes by creating opportunities for players of all ages and backgrounds to engage, compete and form lasting connections.

Our vision is to be the driving force behind a thriving domino culture in Curaçao, where the game is not just a pastime but a unifying force that transcends generations. We aspire to create a vibrant domino community that embraces diversity, fosters skill development, and contributes to the social fabric of Curaçao. By Federation is a symbol of national pride, recognized for its positive impact on individuals and society at large.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Wilfred Rondei (President), Jean Mark Welvaart (Vice president), Djuric Morales (Treasurer), Gladwin Sparen (Secretary), Gilbert Merenciana (2nd Secretary) and Curtley Jansen (Commissioner).

13. Federashon Fùtbòl Kòrsou (Curaçao Soccer Federation)

The mission of Curaçao Football Federation (FFK) is to foster the growth and excellence of football in Curaçao by providing inclusive and sustainable development programs, promoting sportsmanship, and creating opportunities for players, coaches, and communities to thrive. We are dedicated to cultivating a football culture that instills values, inspires unity, and contributes to the overall well-being of our society.

The Curaçao Football Federation envisions a dynamic and flourishing football landscape where sport is a catalyst for positive social change and national pride. We aspire to develop world-class players and teams that compete at the highest levels, embodying skill, discipline, and the spirit of fair play. By fostering a love for the game at all levels, we aim to make football an integral part of Curaçaos’ identity, promoting health, unity, and the pursuit of excellence.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Ramiro Griffith (President), Sharetti Bryan (Vice President), Fabi Constancia (2nd Vice President), Margareth Craneveldt (General Secretary), Franklin Mathilda (Member), Urvin Faneijte (Member), Hubert Isenia (Member), Gregory Djaoen (Member), Mario Marques (Member) and Ramfis Donker (Member).

Mail: Organization@ffk.cw
Website: www.ffk.cw
Facebook: Federashon Futbòl Kòrsou
Instagram: Federashon Futbòl Kòrsou

14. Curaçao Futsal Federation

The mission of the Curaçao Futsal Federation is to promote, develop, and elevate the sport of futsal throughout Curaçao. Committed to excellence, inclusivity, and sportsmanship, we aim to provide a structured and nurturing environment that fosters the growth of players, coaches, and officials. Through strategic partnerships and community engagement, we strive to enhance the overall well-being of individuals and communities by promoting a healthy and active lifestyle through the beautiful game of futsal.

The Curaçao Futsal Federation envisions a nation where futsal is a unifying force, inspiring passion, and pride in every community. We aspire to be recognized as a leading organization in the development of futsal, consistently producing high-caliber players, coaches, and officials. Our vision is to create a sustainable and inclusive futsal culture that transcends age, gender, and socio-economic boundaries. Through innovative programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and a commitment to integrity, we aim to position Curaçao as a force to be reckoned with on the global futsal stage, contributing to the overall advancement of our nation through the power of sport.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Elton Carolina (President), Franklin Bregita (Secretary), Roebuneck Matilde (Member), Ruensly Leuteria (Member) and Adrien Coster (Member).

15. Federashon Yudo Kòrsou (Curaçao Yudo Federation)

The mission of the Curaçao Yudo Federation is to promote the practice and development of Yudo as a holistic sport and martial art on the island of Curaçao. We are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers individuals of all ages and backgrounds to engage in Yudo, cultivating physical fitness, mental discipline, and ethical values. Through high-quality coaching, educational programs, and community outreach, we aim to instill the principles of respect, self-control, and perseverance, contributing to the overall well-being and character development of our members.

Our vision is to be a leading force in the growth and excellence of Yudo in Curaçao. We aspire to build a strong Yudo community that transcends cultural and social boundaries, uniting people through the shared pursuit of physical and mental well-being. We envision a future where the Curaçao Yudo Federation is synonymous with integrity, sportsmanship, and innovation in Yudo training and competition. By promoting the values of fair play, mutual respect, and continuous improvement, we strive to produce not only skilled Yudo practitioners but also individuals who contribute positively to society, embodying the spirit of Yudo both on and off the mat.

The board consists of the following volunteers: Maritsela Braafhart (President), Mariefi Braafhart (Vice President), Graciela Baptista Teixeira (General Secretary), Efigenio Braafhart (Treasurer) and Graceny Webster Braafhart (Member).

16. Curaçao Karate Bond (Curaçao Karate Federation)

The mission of the Curaçao Karate Bond is to promote, develop, and cultivate the practice of karate throughout Curaçao. Committed to fostering excellence in both technique and character, we aim to provide a supportive and inclusive environment for individuals of all ages and skill levels. Through rigorous training, education, and community engagement, we strive to instill the values of discipline, respect, and perseverance, empowering our members to reach their full potential in both karate and life.

The Curaçao Karate Bond envisions a community where the principles of karate serve as a catalyst for personal and collective growth. We aspire to be a recognized center of excellence, known for producing skilled martial artists who embody the highest standards of integrity and sportsmanship. Our vision is to create a vibrant karate community that transcends cultural and social boundaries, fostering unity and mutual respect. By embracing innovation and collaboration, we aim to continuously elevate the profile of karate in Curaçao, inspiring the next generation of practitioners to embrace the art and its values.

The board consists of the following volunteers: Yvonne Leito (President), Lucilla Fraites Koffy (Vice President), Marlon (Boy) Martina (General Secretary), Jacqueline Carolina-Donker (Treasurer), Mariol Michel (Member), Russel Ursula (Member) and Duncan de Windt (Member).

Mail: curkarbo.curacao@gmail.com
Facebook: Curaçao Karate Bond
Instagram: Curaçao Karate Bond

17. Tennis Federation Curaçao

At the Tennis Federation Curaçao, our mission is to foster a thriving and inclusive tennis community by promoting the sport’s values of integrity, sportsmanship, and teamwork. We provide accessible and high-quality tennis programs, events, and facilities that inspire individuals of all ages and skill levels to embrace the joy of tennis. Through collaboration, education, and passion for the game, we aim to cultivate a culture that nurtures the physical, mental, and social well-being of our community members.

The Tennis Federation Curaçao envisions a future where tennis serves as a catalyst for positive personal development and community cohesion. We strive to be a leading force in the growth of tennis on the island, creating an environment where every individual, regardless of background, finds opportunities to thrive in the sport. Our vision is to see flourishing talents, dedicated athletes, and engaged tennis enthusiasts who contribute to a healthier, more connected, and vibrant society. With innovation, inclusivity, and a commitment to excellence, we aim to position Tennis Federation Curaçao as a beacon for tennis development and a source of pride for our community.

The board consists of the following volunteers: Nirmala Kappel (President), Ivanka Maduro- Pourier (Secretary), Tiffany Testing (Treasurer) and Peter van Wijk (Member).

Mail: tennisfederatiecuracao@gmail.com
Facebook: Tennis Federation Curaçao
Instagram: Tennis Federation Curaçao

18. Federashon Deporte di Bela Kòrsou (Sailing Federation Curaçao)

To promote and advance the sport of sailing in Curaçao, foster a community of skilled sailors, nurturing a passion for the sea, and instilling values of sportsmanship, teamwork, and environmental stewardship. The Sailing Federation of Curaçao provides inclusive opportunities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to experience the joy of sailing, develop their skills, and contribute to the growth of the sailing community in our region.

The Sailing Federation of Curaçao envisions a dynamic and vibrant sailing culture where the wind and waves are embraced as avenues for personal growth, teamwork, and competitive excellence. Through world-class training programs, regattas, and community engagement, we aim to be a leading force in developing skilled sailors who not only excel on the water but also become ambassadors for sport. Our vision extends to the sustainable stewardship of our marine environment, ensuring that future generations can continue to experience the beauty and thrill of sailing in the waters surrounding Curaçao.

The board consists of the following volunteers: Jesse Bérénos (President), Maideline Pien Ackermans (Secretary), Russel Palm (Treasurer), Tim Martina (Member) and Bruce Brandt (Member).

Mail: cursailing@gmail.com
Facebook: Cursaling – Sailing Federation Curaçao

19. Curaçao Amateur Schermbond (Curaçao Fencing Federation)

The mission of the Curaçao Fencing Federation is to promote and develop the sport of fencing on the island of Curaçao. We are dedicated to fostering a community of passionate fencers, coaches, and supporters who are committed to the principles of sportsmanship, integrity, and excellence. Through structured programs, competitions, and educational initiatives, we aim to provide a platform for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to engage in the art and discipline of fencing, encouraging physical fitness, mental agility, and a lifelong love for the sport.

The Curaçao Fencing Federation envisions a future where fencing is a widely embraced and respected sport, contributing to the holistic development of individuals and the community. We aspire to be a leading force in the Caribbean fencing scene, recognized for our commitment to inclusivity, innovation, and the highest standards of athletic achievement. By cultivating a strong foundation of skilled fencers, dedicated coaches, and enthusiastic supporters, we aim to represent Curaçao on the international stage, showcasing the talent and spirit of our island while fostering a culture of mutual respect and collaboration within the global fencing community.

20. Curaçaose Softball Bond (Curaçao Softball Federation)

The mission of the Curaçao Softball Federation is to foster the growth, development, and excellence of softball in Curaçao. Committed to inclusivity, sportsmanship, and community engagement, we strive to provide a supportive environment that empowers athletes, coaches, and officials to achieve their fullest potential. Through dedication to skill advancement, integrity, and collaboration, we aim to elevate the profile of softball in Curaçao and contribute positively to the well-being of our athletes and the broader community.

As the leading authority for softball in Curaçao, we envision a vibrant and thriving softball community where passion, skill, and fair play converge. Our vision is to cultivate a love for sport that transcends generations, creating a legacy of excellence. We aspire to be recognized nationally and internationally for our commitment to developing top-tier athletes, promoting gender equality, and fostering a culture of respect and unity. Through strategic partnerships and innovative initiatives, we aim to make Curaçao a softball hub, celebrated for its sporting prowess and the positive impact it has on the lives of its participants and supporters.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Edward Martis (President), Robert Ersilia (Vice President), Sandeline Reina (Treasurer), Shahairy Ustasia (Member), Shurendy de Lima (Member) and Mijeadia Martis (Member).

Facebook: CSB

21. Federashon Taekwondo Kòrsou (Curaçao Taekwondo Federation)

At the Curaçao Taekwondo Federation, our mission is to foster the growth and development of Taekwondo as a martial art, sport, and way of life. We are dedicated to promoting the principles of respect, discipline, and excellence, while nurturing a sense of community and camaraderie among practitioners. Through quality training programs, inclusive events, and strategic partnerships, we strive to empower individuals of all ages to achieve their full potential both on and off the mat.”

Envisioning a future where Taekwondo is a dynamic force for positive change, the Curaçao Taekwondo Federation aspires to be a beacon of inspiration, unity, and excellence. We aim to be recognized nationally and internationally for producing skilled and principled martial artists. Our vision includes cultivating an environment where diversity is celebrated, and where the transformative power of Taekwondo is harnessed to build a healthier, more resilient, and harmonious society. Through continuous innovation and collaboration, we seek to elevate the Curaçao Taekwondo Federation to new heights, making a lasting impact on the lives of our members and the broader community.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Ellon Donker (President), Richad Hanson (Treasurer) and Le Roy Tujeehut (Secretary).

Mail: fetaeko@live.com


22. Federashon Tènis di Mesa Kòrsou (Curaçao Table tennis Federation)

The mission of the Curaçao Table Tennis Federation is to foster a vibrant and inclusive table tennis community that promotes the sport’s values of excellence, sportsmanship, and teamwork. We are dedicated to developing and nurturing the skills of players at all levels, creating opportunities for participation, and advancing the growth and recognition of table tennis in Curaçao and beyond.”

Our vision is to be a leading force in the global table tennis community, renowned for our commitment to excellence, innovation, and inclusivity. We aspire to cultivate a passion for table tennis, empowering individuals to achieve their full potential both on and off the table. Through collaboration, development programs, and the highest standards of governance, we aim to elevate Curaçao’s standing in international table tennis, inspiring a new generation of players and enthusiasts.

The board consists of the following volunteers: Raymond Begina (President), Journeth Matthheeuw (Vice President), Sohainy Kwidama (Secretary), Marie Antoinette Keli (Treasurer), Joaquin Rodriguez (Commissioner) and Stanley Montroos (Commissioner).

Website: www.cttb.net
Facebook: Curaçao Table Tennis Federation
Instagram: Curaçao Table Tennis Federation

23. Curaçao Triathlon Association

Empowering Athletes, Uniting Communities: The Curaçao Triathlon Association is dedicated to fostering a vibrant triathlon community by providing comprehensive support, resources, and opportunities for athletes of all levels. We strive to promote the physical, mental, and social benefits of triathlon, encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle while fostering a sense of camaraderie among our members.

Thriving Together, Excelling Always: The Curaçao Triathlon Association envisions a future where triathlon is a celebrated and accessible sport for everyone on the island. We aim to be a beacon of excellence in triathlon development, cultivating a culture of perseverance, inclusivity, and sportsmanship. Through our programs, events, and partnerships, we aspire to contribute to the holistic well-being of individuals and the collective strength of our community.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Osvaldo Marchena (President), Michael van Regteren (Vice President), Pieternell Albersen (Secretary) and Mike Mol (Commissioner).

24. Federashon di Vòlibòl Kòrsou (Curaçao Volleyball Federation)

To foster a thriving and inclusive volleyball community in Curaçao, the Curaçao Volleyball Federation is committed to promoting the sport’s growth, excellence, and accessibility. We aim to provide a platform that nurtures the development of players, coaches, and officials, while cultivating a love for volleyball that transcends age, gender, and background. Through collaboration, education, and innovation, we strive to elevate the standard of volleyball in Curaçao and contribute to the overall well-being of our community.

As the premier authority for volleyball in Curaçao, we envision a future where sport is a unifying force that brings together individuals and communities. The Curaçao Volleyball Federation aspires to be a beacon of inspiration, fostering a culture of sportsmanship, discipline, and passion for volleyball. We aim to see our players competing at the highest levels, our coaches and officials recognized for their excellence, and our community united through the joy and values that volleyball instills. Through our dedication to continuous improvement and inclusivity, we strive to make Curaçao a respected and admired presence in the global volleyball arena.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Liesbeth Luis Calister (President), Ebert Calister (Vice President), Jossanne Risario (Secretary), Emmeline Janga (Treasurer), Bernice St. Hilaire- Meulens (Commissioner), Svenska Martiszoon- Bazoer (Commissioner) and Gilbert Paulina (Commissioner).

Mail: fevoko55@gmail.com
Facebook: Federashon di Vòlibòl Kòrsou

25. Curaçaose Wielersbond (Curaçao Cycling Federation)

To promote, develop, and enhance the sport of cycling in Curaçao, fostering a culture of inclusivity, sportsmanship, and healthy competition. We provide a supportive environment that nurtures the growth of cyclists at all levels, from grassroots to elite, while advocating for the positive impact of cycling on individuals and the community.

Striving for a nation where cycling is not just a sport, but a way of life, the Curaçao Cycling Federation envisions a future where every individual can experience the joy and benefits of cycling. We aspire to be a leading force in the Caribbean cycling community, recognized for our commitment to excellence, sustainable practices, and the development of world-class cyclists. Through collaboration and innovation, we aim to inspire a cycling culture that transcends boundaries, promotes well-being, and contributes to the overall vitality of Curaçao.

The board consist of the following volunteers: Henny Bonifacio (President), Max Janssen (Secretary), Thatiana Arrindell (Treasurer), Karel van Haren (Vice President), Mike Mol (Member) and Carin van Zinnicq Bergmann-Jänsch (Member).

Mail: info@curacaocyclingfederation.com


26. Federashon Aquatiko Kòrsou (Curaçao Swimming Federation)

To foster a culture of aquatic excellence, the Curaçao Swimming Federation is committed to promoting and developing the sport of swimming at all levels. We strive to inspire a lifelong love for swimming, emphasizing skill development, sportsmanship, and a sense of community. Our mission is to create a nurturing environment that empowers athletes, coaches, and officials to achieve their full potential and contribute to the overall well-being of individuals and society.

Be the driving force behind a nation of confident and skilled swimmers. The Curaçao Swimming Federation envisions a future where our athletes excel on the national and international stage, embodying the values of discipline, resilience, and teamwork. We aim to be a recognized hub for swimming excellence, known for fostering talent, embracing diversity, and instilling a passion for aquatic sports. Through continuous innovation and collaboration, we aspire to make swimming an integral part of Curaçao’s identity, promoting health, inclusivity, and the pursuit of excellence.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Nadya Nercisio (President), Irelnety Copra (Vice President), Stefan van Dijk (Treasurer), Luz- Celeste Johannes (Secretary), Garick Stomp (Member), Rene Minguel (Member), Seaver Betrian (Member) and Desire Cova (Member).

Mail: president@curacao-aquatics.org
Facebook:Curaçao Aquatic Association

27. Curaçao Rugby Federation

The mission of the Curaçao Rugby Federation is to foster the growth, development, and promotion of rugby on the island, empowering individuals, and communities through the values of integrity, teamwork, and sportsmanship. We are committed to providing inclusive opportunities for all, cultivating a culture of respect, discipline, and excellence in rugby, and contributing to the overall well-being of Curaçao through the positive impact of the sport.

The Curaçao Rugby Federation envisions a future where rugby is a unifying force, inspiring and transforming lives across our diverse communities. We strive to be a recognized center for rugby excellence, known for producing skilled athletes, nurturing a strong rugby culture, and contributing to the overall health and unity of Curaçao. Our vision is to see rugby embraced at all levels, from grassroots to elite, creating a legacy of resilience, passion, and achievement for generations to come.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Tamara van Leeuwen (President), Sander Winterberg (Vice president), Udemar Hawker (Secretary), Robert Perry (Treasurer) and Martijn Moerdijk (Member).

Facebook: Curaçao Rugby Federation
Instagram: Curaçao Rugby Federation

28. Curaçao Weightlifting Federation

The mission of the Curaçao Weightlifting Federation is to foster a culture of strength, discipline, and excellence by promoting and developing the sport of weightlifting in Curaçao. We provide a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers athletes of all ages and backgrounds to achieve their full potential. Through education, training, and collaboration, we aim to elevate the standard of weightlifting, instill a sense of pride in our community, and contribute to the overall well-being of our athletes.

The Curaçao Weightlifting Federation envisions a future where weightlifting is not just a sport but a way of life, ingrained in the fabric of our community. We aspire to be a leading force in the global weightlifting arena, producing world-class athletes who exemplify the values of integrity, perseverance, and sportsmanship. Our vision includes the establishment of state-of-the-art training facilities, the implementation of comprehensive athlete development programs, and the cultivation of a supportive network of coaches, officials, and enthusiasts. Through these efforts, we aim to inspire a healthier and more resilient society, where individuals of all ages embrace the transformative power of weightlifting for personal and collective well-being.

The current board consists of the following volunteers: Ilse Lau-A-Kien (President), Rikhaira Snijders (Treasurer), Lizanne Pieter (Secretary) and Carmen Nieves Garcia (Member).

Mail: curacaoweighliftingfederation@gmail.com
Facebook: Curaçao Weightlifting Federation
Instagram: Curaçao Weightlifting Federation

29. Federashon Arkeria Kòrsou (Curaçao Archery Federation)

The federation may focus on identifying and nurturing talented archers in Curaçao. This could involve organizing training programs, coaching sessions, and providing access to equipment and facilities. FEDARKO may be responsible for organizing archery competitions and events in Curaçao. This includes both local tournaments to encourage participation and more formal competitions to raise the level of skill and competitiveness among archers.
The federation may work to ensure that archers in Curaçao have access to necessary resources, such as archery equipment, facilities, and coaching expertise. This could involve partnerships with local businesses, government entities, or international organizations.
FEDARKO might engage in promotional activities to raise awareness about the sport of archery in Curaçao. This could include outreach programs, media campaigns, and community events to attract new participants and spectators.
Ensuring the safety of participants and maintaining standards in the sport are essential responsibilities of an archery federation. This involves establishing and enforcing rules and regulations for competitions and practices.
The federation may represent Curaçao in international archery organizations, competitions, and events. This could involve coordinating participation in regional and global archery championships, fostering relationships with other federations, and adhering to international standards.

Mail: federashonarkeriakorsou@gmail.com
Facebook: Federashon Arkeria Kòrsou