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Hall of Fame

Julio Rooi

Nòmber                 : Julio Largion Rooi                           

Fecha Nasementu   : 12 ougùstùs 1918

Lugá                     : Kòrsou

Fayesé                  : 2 aprel 2004

Deporte                : Atletismo, Beisbòl, Futbòl, Bòkseo, i Dominó

A drenta salon fama na1987

Na edat di 14 aña Julio a kuminsá hunga bala den e ekipo ku yama Argentina Junior.
Ku 16 aña Julio a militá den Hilversum i ku su 17 aña Julio a bira miembro di Curacaose Voetbal Bond, komo miembro di e klup Volharding ku tabata hunga den A-klasse.
Na mesun edat di 17 aña Julio a kuminsá práktika deportenan di Atletismo i Bòkseo den Villa Maria i alabes e tabata hunga beisbòl den Deportivo Venezuela.

Na aña 1938 Julio a efektuá su promé pelea den peso pisa ku 184 liber i a pèrdè pa téknika nòkout den di 4 asalto di mi kontrinkante ku tabata pisa 234 liber.
Dos luna despues den su pelea di revancha, Julio a gana di mes un forma den di 3 asalto.

Tur Julio se demas peleanan tabata eksibishon komo ta Julio ku Chababa so tabatin den e peso aki na Kòrsou.

Riba tereno di futbòl Julio a sigui desaroyá su talentonan i den aña 1940 i 1941 Julio a partisipá den selekshon di Curacaose Voetbal Bond.
Entretantu su aktuashon den atletismo tabata hopi eksitoso, tabatin un temporada ku Julio tabata karga 5 rekòrt: Kogel, Disko, Sper, Salto alto i Vijfkamp.
Na aña 1944 Julio a forma parti di un delegashon ku a biaha pa Caracas i tuma parti den algun evenementu di atletismo. Aya Julio a kibra dos di su rekòrt ku tabata kogel i salto alto.

Aña 1946 Julio a biaha pa Hulanda pa partisipá den e kampeonato Hulandes di atletismo.
Promé ku e kampeonato mes tuma lugá Julio a partisipá na diferente torneonan di fogeo na diferente suidat manera ;Den Haag, Dordrecht, Rotterdam, Leiden, i Hoorn.
Den e toreneonan di fogeo Julio a logra hopi éksito pero den e weganan ofisial si kos a kambia un poko ya komo aki Julio mester a enfrentá e mehor atletanan di Hulanda.

Na 1946 Julio a partisipá na e Weganan Sentro Amerikano i di Karibe ku a tuma lugá na Baranquilla, Colombia, na unda Julio a logra un di 6 puesto riba sper.
Na final di su eksitoso karera komo atleta den e ramonan di atletismo, beisbòl , futbòl, bòkseo Julio a kuminsá traha tambe komo dirigente tantu tékniko, atministrativo i komo umpire den beisbòl i rèfri i den bòkseo profeshonal.
Julio a biaha na vários okashon komo dirigente ku diferente selekshon i a bishita diferente pais den nos region.
Na final di su karera komo dirigente den beisbòl Julio a fungi komo manager di Santa Rosa Indians i manager di e selekshon di beisbòl di Kòrsou.

Aktualmente Julio ta partisipando den e deporte di dominó den e federashon di Kòrsou komo un di e mehornan, tantu riba nivel nashonal komo internashonal.
Julio ta presidente di e klup di dominó Los Veterano presidente di e federashon Antiano di dominó i miembro di direktiva di e federashon internashonal di dominó.
Esaki pues ta un historia deportivo di sr.Julio Rooi ku ta wòrdu konsiderá un di nos mehor atleta all–a-round ku Kòrsou a produsí.

English Version

“At the age of 14, Julio began playing soccer with the team called Argentina Junior. At 16, he played in Hilversum, and at the age of 17, he became a member of the Curaçao Football Association as part of the Volharding club, which played in the A-class.

 At the same age of 17, Julio started practicing athletics and boxing in Villa Maria, and he also played baseball in Deportivo Venezuela.

 In 1938, at the age of 17, Julio had his first boxing match in the heavyweight category, weighing 184 pounds, and lost by knockout in the 4th round to an opponent who weighed 234 pounds. Two months later, in a rematch, Julio won in the 3rd round. All of Julio’s other fights were exhibitions as there were only a few opponents in this weight class in Curaçao.

 On the football field, Julio continued to develop his talents, and in 1940 and 1941, he participated in the selection of the Curaçao Football Association. Meanwhile, his performance in athletics was very successful, with Julio setting records in Shot Put, Discus Throw, Javelin Throw, High Jump, and Pentathlon in one season.

 In 1944, Julio was part of a delegation that traveled to Caracas and participated in some athletics events. There, Julio broke two of his records in shot put and high jump.

 In 1946, Julio traveled to the Netherlands to participate in the Dutch Athletics Championship. Before the championship, Julio participated in various boxing tournaments in different cities such as The Hague, Dordrecht, Rotterdam, Leiden, and Hoorn. While he had success in the boxing tournaments, facing the top athletes of the Netherlands in official competitions was a different challenge.

 In 1946, Julio participated in the Central American and Caribbean Games held in Barranquilla, Colombia, where he achieved a 6th place in the javelin throw. In the final stages of his successful career as an athlete in athletics, baseball, soccer, and boxing, Julio also began working as a manager in various capacities, including technical, administrative, and as an umpire in baseball and as a referee in professional boxing.

 Julio traveled on several occasions as a manager with different selections and visited various countries in our region. In the final stages of his career as a baseball manager, Julio served as the manager of Santa Rosa Indians and the baseball selection of Curaçao.

 Currently, Julio is participating in the sport of dominoes in the Curaçao federation as one of the best, both nationally and internationally. Julio is the president of the Los Veterano domino club, the president of the Antillean domino federation, and a member of the board of the international domino federation.

 This is the sports story of Mr. Julio Rooi, considered one of our best all-around athletes that Curaçao has produced.”