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Hall of Fame

Pedro Odulio Willems

Nòmber                : Pedro Odulio Willems  

Fecha Nasementu :  29 aprel 1916

Lugá                     :  Kòrsou

Deporte                :  Futbol (Rèfri di FiFa )

                               Dirigente Atministrativo

Fayesé                  : 29 novèmber 2002

A drenta  Salon Fama na aña 1989

Pedro Odulio Willems , mihó konosí komo Doe Willems a okupá vários puesto den direktiva di Federashon di Futbòl di Kòrsou (C.B.V.) Primeramente e tabata Direktor di kampeonato i luego tesorero di e Federashon. Doe tabata e fundador di e klup”Hercules” den dékada 20.

Den kura di misa di Sta. Famia doe huntu ku su amigunan, e.o. Papachi Riguad,Joki van Utrecht Jose Pinedo (ruman di Checu Pinedo) i George Curiel  tabata práktika i e pues “Hercules” a bira miembro di CVB.

Dia 09-02-1945 Doe a drenta Direktiva di CVB komo miembro di dia 06-12-1945. Doe a bira lider di kampionato i dia 31-01-1946 Doe a bira promé sekretario i lider di kampeonato di CVB.

Doe a resultá no solamente un bon tesorero, pero tambe tabata un bon organisadó di e kampeonato sinku esaki tabata pèrdè atrakshon di e públiko i tabata enkargá ku sakamentu tur siman di e órgano ofisial di CVB.

Despues di 13 aña den direktiva di CVB, ku fundashon di NAVU dia 05-09-1958.

Tambe Doe tabata tesorero di Nederlands Antilliaanse Bond voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding (NABLO) ku despues a splits den N.A.O.C., Stichting Zwembad Curaçao

Doe tabata e promé tesorero di Nederlands Antilliaanse Voetbal Unie (N.A.V.U) i tambe tabata forma parti di Direktiva di Stichting Sporttereinen Brievengat.

Doe a keda enkargá ku e propiedat ku tabata Stadion Mundu Nobo, Stadion di Rif regalo di Shell Curacao. Di 1979 te ku 1988. Doe tabata  sekretario di e fundashon i SporttereinenBrievengat i Suffisant (donashon Shell).

Pa tur su trabou dediká na deporte na Korsou .

Doe a risibí e kondekorashonnan .


Kondekorashon risibí

1963 Miembro Honorario di CVB

1964 Bondsridder di KNVB

1964 Ridder den Orde di Oranje Nassau.

1977 Offisier den Orde Nassau

1988 Miembro Honorario di Navu

!989 Miembro Honorario di NAOC

Riba nivel Internashonal Doe a okupá e puesto di Tesorero di Confederación Centroamericano y del Caribe de Futbòl (CONCACAF).


English Version

Pedro Odulio Willems, better known as Doe Willems, held various positions in the directive of the Curaçao Football Federation (C.B.V.). Initially, he served as the Championship Director and later as the treasurer of the Federation. Doe was also the founder of the “Hercules” club in the 1920s. During the mass at Santa Famia, he, along with his friends such as Papachi Riguad, Joki van Utrecht, Jose Pinedo (brother of Checu Pinedo), and George Curiel, practiced, and the “Hercules” club became a member of CVB.

On February 9, 1945, Doe joined the CVB Directive as a member, and on December 6, 1945, he became the championship leader. On January 31, 1946, Doe became the first secretary and championship leader of CVB.

Doe proved to be not only a good treasurer but also an excellent organizer of the championship, making it an attraction for the public. He was responsible for the weekly publication of the official CVB organ.

After 13 years in the CVB directive, with the foundation of NAVU on September 5, 1958, Doe served as the treasurer of the Netherlands Antilles Bond for Physical Education (NABLO), which later split into N.A.O.C. and the Foundation Zwembad Curaçao.

Doe was the first treasurer of the Netherlands Antilles Football Union (N.A.V.U.) and also part of the Directive of the Sporttereinen Brievengat Foundation.

He took charge of the property that included the Mundu Nobo Stadium, Rif Stadium (a gift from Shell Curacao) from 1979 to 1988. Doe served as the secretary of the Sporttereinen Brievengat and Suffisant Foundation (Shell donation).

For all his dedicated work in sports in Curaçao, Doe received various decorations:

1963: Honorary Member of CVB

1964: Bondsridder of KNVB

1964: Knight in the Order of Orange Nassau

1977: Officer in the Order Nassau

1988: Honorary Member of NAVU

1989: Honorary Member of NAOC

On the international level, Doe held the position of Treasurer of the Confederation of Central American and Caribbean Football (CONCACAF).