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Hall of Fame

Ricardo Elhage

Nòmber:                       Efigenio Adriano Braafhart  mihó konosí komo PengPeng

Fecha nasementu:        8 sèptèmber 1949

Lugá:                            Curaçao.

Mi a kuminsá hasi yudo na 1974 na Sportschool Braaf na Orionweg.

Na 1975, mi a kuminsá duna lès na muchanan chikitu pa Sr. Braaf.

E mesun aña den luna di òktober durante di kampionato di Kòrsou mi a kibra mi èlebog.

Mi a keda un aña inaktivo komo kompetidor pero a keda duna lès.

Na 1976, mi a bolbe kompetí den kategoria di middle-weight.

Mi a bira kampion di Kòrsou i Antia te ku 1980 e aña ku mi a retirá.

Na 1977, mi a haña mi promé dan ku ta faha pretu (Sho-Dan).



Mi a sigui duna lès despues di sportschool Braaf, na Asiento i mi propio skol di yudo Samurai.

1982, mi a kuminsá rèfri na Kòrsou.

E mesun aña mi a pasa eksamen pa mi di dos dan (Ni-Dan).

1986, sr. Francisco Mundo, un rèfri Internashonal di Venezuela a bin yuda nos ku dunamentu di lès di yudo.

E tabata sorprendí di e manera ku mi tabata rèfri.

For di 1987, mi a wòrdu invitá dor di sr. Mundo pa rèfri kampionatonan di Karibe na Venezuela.

Durante e aña aki mi a haña mi di tres dan (San-Dan).

Na 1992, Sr. Carlos Catalana Callega, direktor di arbitrahe di Federashon Internashonal di Judo (IJF) a wak mi ta rèfri na Venezuela.

El’a puntrami di unda mi ta, i ki nivel di rèfri mi tin.

Mi a kontest’é: di Kòrsou i mi no tin nivel.

El’a bisami IJF tin tres nivel: nivel “C” nivel “B” i nivel “A”.

El’a disidí ku e ta bini Kòrsou despues di Venezuela pa pasa ami so eksamen di rèfri Continental. (IJF B).

Ku otro palabra mi a bula nivel “C” i a hasimi di kuater dan (Yo-Dan).

Mi a bira e promé rèfri Continental di Kòrsou i Antia.

For di e momentu ei mi a rèfri tur pais Panamerikano.

Tur weganan di: Caribe, Sur-, Sentro- i Norteamerika.

Na 1997, mi a kuminsá duna lès na Sentro di Bario Janwe i Klup di Shell, awe Sentro di Rekreativo Suffisant, te ku dia di awe.

Na 1998, mi a wòrdu postulá pa pasa eksamen di rèfri nivel “A” na Repúblika Dominikana.

Nan a lagami rèfri, solamente dos pelea.

Mi a bira rèfri Internashonal “A” i haña mi di sinku dan (Go-Dan).

Siendo rèfri Internashonal mi a rèfri diferente kampionato mundial, den tur sinku kontinente.

Por ehèmpel: Fransia, Alemania, Tailandia, Hulanda, Tunesia ets.

Mi a bira e promé referié Internashonal i mundial di Kòrsou i Antia i a wòrdu konsiderá un di e mehor rèfri Panamerikano.




For di aña 1977, mi a drenta direktiva di Judo Associatie Curaçao (JUASCU) komo komisario.

Na aña 1987 mi drenta den direktiva di Nederlandse Antillianse Judo Federatie (NAJUFE) komo segundo tesorero.

For di aña 1998, mi a fungi komo Presidente, Tesorero, Sekretario, Direktor di arbitrahe i Deportivo, Coach i trainer di JUASCU i NAJUFE te aña 2000.

Durante di e tempu ei ta mi kasa i mi dos yunan tabata organisá kampionato di yudo.

Na aña 2000, a eligí un direktiva nobo i mi a keda tesorero, coach i trainer te ku dia di awe.

Na 2010, JUASCU I NAJUFE a bira Federashon Yudo Kòrsou. (FYK)

Durante di 2010, mi a haña mi di seis dan (Roku-Dan).

Mi klupnan semper a sali na promé lugá den tur kampionato tantu di Kòrsou komo habri di JUASCU, awe konosí komo Federashon Yudo Kòrsou.

Mi a produsí tambe, kampionnan Internashonal.

Nan a bira kampion na: Aruba, Bonaire, st. Maarten, Sto. Domingo, El Salvador, Venezuela i Merka.

Tur bou di mi guia.

Award di USA yudo: 4/6/2008

Baluarte di e deporte di yudo na Kòrsou: 3/11/2007

Wes di aña CSF: 2008 i 2009.

Plaka di mérito di SRS: 9/3/2013

Baluarte di bario di Janwe: 2/6/2016.

Plaka di mérito di Kas di Kultura: 2/6/2016.

Baluarte di Banda Ariba: 3/11/2016.




Mi a pasa eksamen di nivel “basiko”, nivel “1” i “2” di deporte general na Venezuela, aña 1988, 1989 i 1990, na Puerto Rico.

For di 1998, mi a wòrdu nombra komo tesorero di Konfederashon Yudo di Karibe.(CJC)

Nunka mi no a postulá mi mes pa ningun puesto den direktiva.

Aki tambe mi a okupá tur puesto den direktiva.

Awe mi ta sekretario general di Konfederashon Yudo di Karibe, pa reorganisá yudo den Karibe.

Na aña 2009, mi a stòp di ta rèfri aktivo riba mat.

Mi a wòrdu nombra komo komishonado di arbitrahe di Karibe pa Panamerican Judo Confederacion.

Na mesun momento mi a bira traduktor ofisial di Ingles pa Spañó i vice vèrsá, durante di klínika i kongreso di PJC.

Na 2015, mi a bira Direktor i komishonado di arbitrahe di Suramérika.

Na 2015, mi a haña mi di shete dan di yudo (Hichi-Dan).

Ku esaki mi a bira e promé yudoka ku faha mas haltu na pais Kòrsou i islanan di Caribe hulandes.

Mi a i ta dirigí kampionatonan Pan-Amerikano mi so.

Mi ta eksaminá i evaluá rèfrinan di nivel “C”, “B” i “A”.

Mi ta duna klínika di arbitrahe tantu práktika komo teorétiko.

Mi a logra klasifiká un atleta pa Weganan Olímpiko di London 2012.

Pa Weganan Olímpiko di Rio 2016, mi tabata tin un atleta klasifiká ku “Continetal Couta”, pero el’a wòrdu kita.

Mi a logra na 2016, ku nos ta wòrdu konsiderá komo”Full Member” di nos Federashon Internashonal Yudo (IJF).

Efigenio Braafhart

Kaya Kres Ulder 6

Willemstad, Curaçao



English Version


I began practicing judo in 1974 at Sportschool Braaf on Orionweg. In 1975, I started teaching classes to young children at Mr. Braaf’s school. In the same year, during the October championships in Curaçao, I broke my collarbone. I remained inactive as a competitor for a year but continued to teach.

In 1976, I returned to competing in the middle-weight category. I became the champion of Curaçao and the Netherlands Antilles until my retirement in 1980. In 1977, I earned my first black belt (Sho-Dan).


After leaving Sportschool Braaf, I continued teaching at Asiento and my own judo school, Samurai. In 1982, I started refereeing in Curaçao, and in the same year, I passed the exam for my second-degree black belt (Ni-Dan). In 1986, Mr. Francisco Mundo, an International referee from Venezuela, came to assist us with judo instruction. He was impressed with my refereeing skills. From 1987, he invited me to referee in Caribbean championships in Venezuela. During that year, I achieved my third-degree black belt (San-Dan).

In 1992, Mr. Carlos Catalana Callega, the director of refereeing at the International Judo Federation (IJF), observed me refereeing in Venezuela. He asked about my origin and my refereeing level. I replied that I was from Curaçao and had no level. He informed me that IJF had three levels: “C,” “B,” and “A.” He decided to come to Curaçao after Venezuela to conduct my continental referee exam (IJF B). In other words, I started at level “C” and earned my fourth-degree black belt (Yo-Dan).

I became the first continental referee from Curaçao and the Netherlands Antilles. From that moment, I refereed in Pan-American countries and participated in worldwide championships in all five continents, including France, Germany, Thailand, the Netherlands, Tunisia, etc. I became the first International and World referee from Curaçao and the Netherlands Antilles, considered one of the best Pan-American referees.


Since 1977, I joined the board of the Judo Association Curaçao (JUASCU) as a commissioner. In 1987, I joined the board of the Netherlands Antilles Judo Federation (NAJUFE) as the second treasurer. From 1998 to 2000, I served as the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Refereeing and Sports, Coach, and Trainer of JUASCU and NAJUFE. During that time, my wife and two children organized judo championships.

In 2000, a new board was elected, and I became the treasurer, coach, and trainer until today. In 2010, JUASCU and NAJUFE became the Judo Federation Curaçao (FYK). In 2010, I achieved my sixth-degree black belt (Roku-Dan).

My clubs always ranked first in every championship, both in Curaçao and JUASCU, now known as the Judo Federation Curaçao. I also produced international champions in Aruba, Bonaire, St. Maarten, Santo Domingo, El Salvador, Venezuela, and the United States under my guidance.

International Awards:

USA Judo Award: 4/6/2008

Pillar of the Sport of Judo in Curaçao: 3/11/2007

Wesleyan of the CSF: 2008 and 2009

SRS Merit Plate: 9/3/2013

Pillar of the Janwe Neighborhood: 2/6/2016

Merit Plate of Kas di Kultura: 2/6/2016

Pillar of Banda Ariba: 3/11/2016


I passed the basic, level 1, and level 2 general sports exams in Venezuela in 1988, 1989, and 1990, respectively. Since 1998, I have been appointed as the treasurer of the Caribbean Judo Confederation (CJC). I never applied for any position in the board but occupied all positions. Today, I am the General Secretary of the Caribbean Judo Confederation, working to reorganize judo in the Caribbean.

In 2009, I retired from active refereeing on the mat. I was appointed as the Arbitration Commissioner for the Caribbean by the Pan-American Judo Confederation. At the same time, I became the official English-to-Spanish and vice versa translator during PJC clinics and congresses.

In 2015, I became the Director and Arbitration Commissioner for South America. In 2015, I achieved my seventh-degree black belt (Hichi-Dan), making me the highest-ranking judoka in Curaçao and the Dutch Caribbean.

I have directed Pan-American championships on my own. I examine and evaluate referees at the “C,” “B,” and “A” levels. I conduct referee clinics, both practical and theoretical.

I successfully qualified an athlete for the London 2012 Olympic Games. For the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, I had an athlete qualified with a “Continental Quota,” but it was withdrawn.

In 2016, we became recognized as a “Full Member” of the International Judo Federation (IJF