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Hall of Fame

Niels Liberia

Nòmber        : Niels Francisco Liberia

Nanse          : 4 yüni 1938

Lugá            : Kòrsou               

Deporte       : Basketbòl

Fayesé         : 31 mei 1998

A drenta salon di fama 2009

Niels Francisco Liberia  a nase dia  4 yüni 1938 komo e promé yu di e pareha

Vicento Libria i Petra Sillé

Niels a kuminsá práktika deporte di Basketbòl komo junior siendo alumno di St. Thomas College miembro di SITHOC (SINT THOMAS COLLEGE) den prinsipio di anan 50.

 Semper Niels su empeño tabata pa deporte di Basketbol keda eksistí. E eksperensia ku ela a sinti di loke Basketbol a nifiká pe e tabata deseá pa tur hóben, partikularmente e hóben mas humilde i di ménos rekurso, pasombra no tin mester di muchu kos pa práktika básketbòl. Esta un bal, un renchi den kura banda di kas, o pega kantu di kualke palu den bario o riba kualke vèlt na unda ku ta.

 Komo hungando ya den e tim di ‘senior”di SITHOC, Niels a partispa den diferente selekshon ku a representá tantu Korsou y komo Antia  Ulandes na Aruba,Venezuela 9valencia), Sürnam i Colombia.

 Despues ku direktiva di Sithoc a apuntá Niels komo entrenadó di e ekipo junior di Sithoc., den añanan 69/70 NIELS A LANTA EKI[O DI Sithoc-damas i Olympic-damas. Na Sint Thomas College den Hoogstraat Niels tabata train Sithoc-damas tur djadumingu di 10 or pa 12’or bin bek bin train Olympic-dams di 4 or pa 6 or di atardi.

E promé hende ku tabata yega vèlt tabata Niels mes i e tabata masha pisa ora hungadónan yega lat.

Konsekuentemente training tabata kuminsá presis na tempu.

 Bou di liderazgo di Niels, for di promé salida i durante di 5 aña konsekutivo, Sithoc damas a titulá kampion den ramo femenino i mayoria biaha Olympic tabata sigui komo sub-kampion.

 Den añanan 70/80 Niels a funshoná komo entrenadó i coach prinsipal di selekshon di Korsou i di Antia na e.o weganan di reino na Sürnam i Ulanda,weganan Sentro Amerikano i di Caribe na Salbador , Colombia i Panamá (Aunke el train e tim ku a bai El Salbador e mes no por a kompaña nan pa motibu di luto inesperá den famia ).

Na aña ’84 selekshon di damas di Korsou a titulá kampion na Aruba bou di “coaching” prinsipal di Niels asistí pa Cedric Mambre.

 Na diferente okashon ku tabatin barkunan di Marina merikano di bishita, federashon di Basketbòl tabata forma selekshon pa hunga kontra di e tripulante i Niels tabata keda apuntá komo coach di e selekshon.

Niels tabata kere ku deporte na skol den bario ta masha importante pa formashon total di e hóben. Pa asina tene e hóben aktivo i for di tentashon di maldat. Niels tata mantené pa su mes un lista di inventarisashon di tur vèlt den tur bario. Den su tempu liber e tabata kore rònt i kaminda e tabata mira hóben ta hunga básketbòl tabata keda para kantu,opservá nan pa despues yama nan diskutí movidanan aktuashon i aktitut.

 Despues ku e deporte di basketbòl a kai, algun lider deportivo a lanta Organisashon di basketbòl pa hubentut ‘(ORBAHU)” CSF a apuntá Niels komo miembro di e komishon ku despues mester a formalisá Basketbòl aliento for di fundashon bai Federashon. Den e periodo di transishon di 1996 Niels a forma parti di CUBAFE

Niels a sigui diferente kurso di kapasitashon:

  • Di ‘La Organizacion Deportiva  Panamericana; Solidarid Americana “Certificado de Participacion”na sèptèmber 1976.
  • Di ‘International Olympic Committee”na Mexico City, Sertifikado di Capacitacion”(Novèmber 1976).

Niels a risibí siguiente rekonosimentu

  • Aprel 1971 Skalchi di plata di Olympic- damas
  • Òktober 1991, Plaka di mérito di komishon Basketbòl Otrabanda
  • Desèmber 1991, plaka di mérito di CUBAFE
  • Plaka di mérito di FEBEKO pa su kooperashon duna na Beisbòl di Korsou
  • Novèmber 2003 Fundashon ku a manehá fasilidatnan di deporte a nombra e Sala Multifunshonal di Deporte na Suffisant na SALA MULTIFUNSHONAL-NIELS LIBERIA


English Version

Niels Francisco Liberia was born on June 4, 1938, as the first child of the couple Vicento Libria and Petra Sillé.

Niels began practicing basketball as a junior while attending St. Thomas College, a member of SITHOC (SINT THOMAS COLLEGE), in the early 1950s.

Throughout Niels’ efforts, his commitment to the existence of basketball as a sport was evident. The experience he gained from what basketball meant to him made him wish for every young person, especially those less privileged, to have the opportunity to play basketball. All that was needed was a ball, a hoop in a courtyard, or attaching a basket to any pole in the neighborhood or on any field available.

Playing in the senior team of SITHOC, Niels participated in various selections representing both Curaçao and the Netherlands Antilles in Aruba, Venezuela (Valencia), Suriname, and Colombia.

 After the Sithoc board appointed Niels as the coach of the Sithoc junior team, in the 69/70 seasons, Niels took charge of the Sithoc Ladies’ and Olympic Ladies’ teams. At St. Thomas College on Hoogstraat, Niels trained the Sithoc Ladies every Sunday from 10 am to 12 pm and the Olympic Ladies from 4 pm to 6 pm in the afternoon.

 Niels was the first person to arrive at the court, and he was very strict when the players arrived late. Consequently, training always started precisely on time.

 Under Niels’ leadership, Sithoc Ladies became champions in the female category for five consecutive years, with Olympic following as sub-champion most times.

 In the 70s and 80s, Niels served as the coach and head coach of the Curaçao and Netherlands Antilles selections in Kingdom games in Suriname and the Netherlands, Central American and Caribbean games in El Salvador, Colombia, and Panama (although he trained the team that went to El Salvador, he could not accompany them due to an unexpected family bereavement).


In 1984, the Curaçao Ladies’ selection became champions in Aruba under Niels’ principal coaching, assisted by Cedric Mambre.

 On various occasions when American Marine ships visited, the Basketball Federation would form a selection to play against the crew, and Niels would be appointed as the coach.

 Niels believed that sports in neighborhood schools were essential for the overall development of young people, helping to keep them active and away from the temptations of wrongdoing. Niels himself maintained an inventory list of all fields in every neighborhood. In his free time, he would run around, observing young people playing basketball, standing by to watch them, and later calling them over to discuss their actions and attitudes.

 After the decline of basketball as a popular sport, some sports leaders established the Youth Basketball Organization (ORBAHU). CSF appointed Niels as a member of the commission, which later had to formalize basketball support from its foundation to the Federation. During the transitional period in 1996, Niels became part of CUBAFE.


Niels attended various capacity-building courses:

From the Pan American Sports Organization; Solidarity America “Certificate of Participation” in September 1976.

From the International Olympic Committee in Mexico City, “Training Certificate” in November 1976.

Niels received the following recognitions:


April 1971: Silver Skalchi of Olympic Ladies.

October 1991: Merit Plate from the Otrabanda Basketball Commission.

December 1991: Merit Plate from CUBAFE.

Merit Plate from FEBEKO for his cooperation with Curaçao Baseball.

November 2003: The foundation that managed sports facilities named the Multipurpose Sports Hall in Suffisant the NIELS LIBERIA MULTIPURPOSE SPORTS HALL.