Nòmber : Jose Maria “Jo” Mathilda
Fecha Nasementu : 28 òktober 1921
Lugá : Kòrsou
Deporte : Futbòl
Deportista /Dirigente Atministrativo
A drenta salon di fama 1992
Jose Maria Mathilda mihó konosí komo Djo Mathilda tata natural di 3 yu’i (1 yui Hòmber in 2 yu’i muhé. Tata deportivo di mas ku 6000 hóben di Santa Maria su bario stima. “Ku awendia ta konsistí di hendenan di rònt Korsou ku a bin biba den e bario ku a krese masha tantu mes, manera e’la splika .Un siudadano ku rèspèt pa tur hende. Rèspèt pa grandi i chikí. Komo rekonosimentu pa su gran trabou su Mahestat La Reina a kondekor’é ku medaya di oro den Orde di Oranje na 1972.Pa su dedikashon na deporte di Futbol i hubentut di Korsou en general i komo miembro di direktiva di “Curacaose Voetbalbond” CVB en partikular, na 1967 a nombre’ Miembro di Honor di CVB. Esakinan ta dos rekonosementu di mérito for di un lista di mas ku 12 i ademas vários plaka di honor otorgá na e gran yu tera aki. Ku meresidamente a haña su lugá tambe den salon di fama di CSF (Curacaose Sport Federatie).
Ku orguyo e mes ta konta ku e la a nase, lanta i semper a biba den Santa Maria.”Trahando pa Formashon di Hubentut di Santa Maria, mi a traha pa hubentut di henter Korsou. Dedikando tempu na Hubentut, mi a yuda forma esnan ku a bin karga responsabilidat despues. I esei mi ta hasi te ainda, pero na otro manera “.
Na 1937 un chabalitu di apénas 13 aña, ku su amiguitunan, a lanta un di Futbol den Santa Maria. Un Santa Maria muchu mas chikitu ku awendia. E hobensitu di e tempu ei, “Jo Mathilda” tabata kòrda ku e fecha kla te dia djawe: 11 yanüari 1937. E klup su nòmber DTS, Door Trainen Sterk’. Nan a afiliá mesora na CVB i a kuminsá hunga den Kompetitie .
E hobensitu “Jo Mathilda” a bira miembro di direktiva i asta Presidente di DTS ora e tabatin apénas 15 aña di edat . Tabata un smak pa mira un presidente hobensitu na karson kòrtiku ta dirigí reunion di miembronan di direktiva di basta mas edat kuné.
Anto na òrdu.
“Pero tabatin rèspèt” Tabata tempu di guera i e hóbennan mester a bai den “dienst”. “Hungadónan di DST no tabata haña ferlòf di nan superiornan pa partisipá na weganan di kampeonato . E superiornan tabata di otro ekipo (SUBT). Resultado: DST a Sali for di CVB (bònt) legumai kompetitie” i disidí di sigui hunga bala djis pa smak.
20 yüni 1948 e hóbennan di DST huntu ku hungadónan di VELOX (pa Velosidat) di Mahuma a Sali riba baiskel pa Westpunt un djasabra mèrdia Aya nan a drumi na playa pa lanta su manisé bon tempran bai Wacawa ku baiskel, topa un guia ku a subi Seri Jose Maria Mathilda mihó konosí komo Djo Mathilda tata natural di 3 yu’i (1 yu’i Hòmber in 2 yu’i muhé. Tata deportivo di mas ku 6000 hóben di Santa Maria su bario stima. “Ku awendia ta konsistí di hendenan di rònt Korsou ku a bin biba den e bario ku a krese masha tantu mes, manera ela splikabo siudadano ku rèspèt pa tur hende. Rèspèt pa grandi i chikí. Komo rekonisimentu pa su gran trabou su Mahestat La Reina a kondekor’é ku medaya di oro den Orde di Oranje na 1972.Pa su dedikashon na deporte di Futbol i hubentut di Korsou en general i komo miembro di direktiva di “Curacaose Voetbalbond” CVB en partikular, na 1967 a nombr’é’ Miembro di Honor di CVB. Esakinan ta dos rekonosementu di mérito for di un lista di mas ku 12 i ademas vários plaka di honor otorgá na e gran yu tera aki. Ku meresidamente a haña su lugá tambe den salon di fama di CSF (Curacaose Spòrt Federatie).
– Mas koperashon ku nos hóbennan:
Di komersio por ehèmpel. Tin ku ta yuda, pero por mihó Yuda nos hóbennan.
Si no hasi algu pa nan, kiko lo para di nan aki poko dia? Yuda nos lidernan ku ta pone nan mes disponibel pa yuda nos hubentut.
Mas lider ku smak pa dediká na nos hubentut.
Gobièrnu so no por hasi tur kos. Nos tur mester duna un man. Laga kada ken yuda kaminda i manera e por. Kumpli ke debernan di klup manera por ehèmpel pagamentu di kontribushon.
Rekonosé esfuerso i trabou di oro.
Duna Cesar loke ta di Cesar i koperá na bienestar di nos pais.
Tambe e ta fundadó i Promé Presidente di e klup di futbòl VESTA.
VESTA (Vriendschap Eendracht Sterken Tegen Alles) tabata e di 13 klup di Futbol ku a lanta den Sta. Maria entre yanüari 1937 i yanüari 1948. Tur klup tabata lanta kibra . P’esei e hóben fundadonan riba seri’ Kristof a hasi un promesa solem pa lucha ku alma i kurpa pa keda huntu i mustra ku V.E.S.T.A. a bini pa keda.
I nan a kumpli ku Jose Mathilda na kabes 45 aña largu ela dirigí V.E.S.T.A. òf pa ripití su palabranan. “Jo Mathilda a sirbi su klup komo presidente.
Komo lider konsiente , dia el a pasa presidensia pa Sr. Millis M.A. Prens,i pa sigurá kontinuidat den direktiva, el a a aseptá puesto di promé sekretario.
Un dirigente ku tabata hasi tur kos pa su klup. No effort too big, no job too small” Tur kos e tabata hasi . Skirbi karta , tene lugá na ordu, kumpli ku mil i un detaye pa V.E.S.T.A. , anto ainda sobra tempu pa O.R.F.I.C. (durante 50 aña) CVB 1959-1967).
Ademas e ta un di e mihó futbolistanan ku Sta. Maria a konosé entre 1937 i 1960.
Djo Mathilda a forma parti di e selekshon di futbòl di Kòrsou ku a gana medaya di bròns den e di V weganan Sentro Amerikano i di Karibe di Barranquilla Colombia, na aña 1946. Tambe el a forma parti di e selekshon di futbòl di Kòrsou ku a partisipá den e di VIII kampeonato Sentro Amerikano i di Karibe ku a tuma lugá na Kòrsou na aña 1957.
Riba nivel internashonal Djo Mathilda a representá CVB komo delegado den e dos Kampeonato Norte, Sentro Amerikano i di Karibe di futbòl ku a tuma lugá na 1965 na Guatemala.
Su satisfakshon di mas grandi?
“..ku 99% di e hóbennan ku a pasa den mi man awe ta hende disiplina. Ounke mi a ta severo ku nan, nan ta apresiá . Nan ta blo puntra si mi ta bini bek Mi ta bisa No!
Boso tin un bon direktiva. Mi por pasa keiru kuminda. Si mester di konseho mi t’ei. Pero pa traha manera ántes No! Awor ta tempu pa otronan sigui.
Mi ta kontentu di por a traha pa mi bario Santa Maria. Asina mi a traha pa mi isla Korsou tambe!
Mi ta kontentu di or a traha pa hubentut. Asina mi por a kontribuí na eduká nos futuro generashon.
Distinshon risibí:
_ Miembro honorario di Curaçaose Voetbal Bònt
_ “Medaya di Oro Den Orde di Oranje Nassau”.
_ C.S.F. AWARD pa su dedikashon di mas ku 25 aña sirbiendo deporte.
_ Presidente Honorario di S.V. VESTA
_ Plaka “Mihó Lider di aña 1989 “otorgá pa ORFIK.
ku nan I te na laira aya ku salida di solo den bunita naturalesa di nos isla nan ta yam’é Vesta.
Djo Mathilda a forma parti di e selekshon di futbòl di Kòrsou ku a gana medaya di bròns den e di V weganan Sentro Amerikano i di Karibe di Barranquilla Colombia, na aña 1946. Tambe el a forma parti di e selekshon di futbòl di Kòrsou ku a partisipá den e di VIII kampeonato Sentro Amerikano i di Karibe ku a tuma lugá na Kòrsou na aña 1957.
Riba nivel internashonal Djo Mathilda a representá CVB komo delegado den e dos Kampeonato Norte, Sentro Amerikano i di Karibe di futbòl ku a tuma lugá na 1965 na Guatemala.
English Version
Jose Maria Mathilda, better known as Djo Mathilda, a father of 3 children (1 son and 2 daughters), is a sports enthusiast from Santa Maria, a beloved neighborhood with over 6000 youngsters. “Today, it consists of people from all around Curaçao who have come to live in the neighborhood, which has grown so much, as he explains. A citizen with respect for everyone, both young and old. In recognition of his significant work, Her Majesty the Queen decorated him with the Gold Medal in the Order of Orange in 1972. For his dedication to football and youth in Curaçao in general, and as a member of the board of the “Curaçaose Voetbalbond” (CVB) in particular, he was named an Honorary Member of CVB in 1967. These are two acknowledgments of merit from a list of more than 12, along with several plaques of honor awarded in this great land. He rightfully earned his place in the Hall of Fame of the Curacao Sport Federation (CSF).
With pride, he recounts his birth, upbringing, and lifelong residence in Santa Maria. “Working for the Youth Development of Santa Maria, I worked for the youth of the entire Curaçao. By dedicating time to the youth, I helped shape those who later took on responsibilities. And I continue to do so in other ways.”
In 1937, a young boy of just 13 years, along with his friends, founded a football club in Santa Maria, a much smaller Santa Maria than today. The boy from that time, Jo Mathilda, remembers the exact date: January 11, 1937. The club was named DTS, which stands for ‘Door Trainen Sterk.’ They immediately joined CVB and started playing in competitions.
Young Jo Mathilda became a board member and even the President of DTS when he was just 15 years old. It was fascinating to see a young president confidently leading board meetings of much older members. And with respect.
“But there was respect.” It was a time of war, and the young men had to enlist. “DST players were not allowed by their superiors to participate in championship matches. The superiors were from another team (SUBT). The result: DST withdrew from the CVB (league) competition and decided to play ball just for fun.
On June 20, 1948, the DST youths, along with players from VELOX (for Speed) from Mahuma, embarked on a bike trip to Westpunt one Saturday afternoon. There, they slept on the beach to wake up early for the journey to Wacawa with bicycles, meeting a guide who climbed Seru Jose Maria Mathilda, better known as Djo Mathilda, a father of 3 children (1 son and 2 daughters), is a sports enthusiast from Santa Maria, a beloved neighborhood with over 6000 youngsters. “Today, it consists of people from all around Curaçao who have come to live in the neighborhood, which has grown so much, as he explains. A citizen with respect for everyone, both young and old. In recognition of his significant work, Her Majesty the Queen decorated him with the Gold Medal in the Order of Orange in 1972. For his dedication to football and youth in Curaçao in general, and as a member of the board of the “Curaçaose Voetbalbond” (CVB) in particular, he was named an Honorary Member of CVB in 1967. These are two acknowledgments of merit from a list of more than 12, along with several plaques of honor awarded in this great land. He rightfully earned his place in the Hall of Fame of the Curacao Sport Federation (CSF).
With pride, he recounts his birth, upbringing, and lifelong residence in Santa Maria. “Working for the Youth Development of Santa Maria, I worked for the youth of the entire Curaçao. By dedicating time to the youth, I helped shape those who later took on responsibilities. And I continue to do so in other ways.”
In 1937, a young boy of just 13 years, along with his friends, founded a football club in Santa Maria, a much smaller Santa Maria than today. The boy from that time, Jo Mathilda, remembers the exact date: January 11, 1937. The club was named DTS, which stands for ‘Door Trainen Sterk.’ They immediately joined CVB and started playing in competitions.
Young Jo Mathilda became a board member and even the President of DTS when he was just 15 years old. It was fascinating to see a young president confidently leading board meetings of much older members. And with respect.
“But there was respect.” It was a time of war, and the young men had to enlist. “DST players were not allowed by their superiors to participate in championship matches. The superiors were from another team (SUBT). The result: DST withdrew from the CVB (league) competition and decided to play ball just for fun.
On June 20, 1948, the DST youths, along with players from VELOX (for Speed) from Mahuma, embarked on a bike trip to Westpunt one Saturday afternoon. There, they slept on the beach to wake up early for the journey to Wacawa with bicycles, meeting a guide who climbed Seru Jose Maria Mathilda, better known as Djo Mathilda, a father of 3 children (1 son and 2 daughters), is a sports enthusiast from Santa Maria, a beloved neighborhood with over 6000 youngsters. “Today, it consists of people from all around Curaçao who have come to live in the neighborhood, which has grown so much, as he explains. A citizen with respect for everyone, both young and old. In recognition of his significant work, Her Majesty the Queen decorated him with the Gold Medal in the Order of Orange in 1972. For his dedication to football and youth in Curaçao in general, and as a member of the board of the “Curaçaose Voetbalbond” (CVB) in particular, he was named an Honorary Member of CVB in 1967. These are two acknowledgments of merit from a list of more than 12, along with several plaques of honor awarded in this great land. He rightfully earned his place in the Hall of Fame of the Curacao Sport Federation (CSF).
With pride, he recounts his birth, upbringing, and lifelong residence in Santa Maria. “Working for the Youth Development of Santa Maria, I worked for the youth of the entire Curaçao. By dedicating time to the youth, I helped shape those who later took on responsibilities. And I continue to do so in other ways.”
In 1937, a young boy of just 13 years, along with his friends, founded a football club in Santa Maria, a much smaller Santa Maria than today. The boy from that time, Jo Mathilda, remembers the exact date: January 11, 1937. The club was named DTS, which stands for ‘Door Trainen Sterk.’ They immediately joined CVB and started playing in competitions.
Young Jo Mathilda became a board member and even the President of DTS when he was just 15 years old. It was fascinating to see a young president confidently leading board meetings of much older members