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Hall of Fame

Ricardo Elhage

Heraclio Marco Perfecto Henriquez, (Beisbol)

Dirigente Atministrativo.

mihó konosí komo Aco, a nasé dia 18 di aprel 1927.


Aco a kuminsá su karera den e mundo deportivo na aña 1955 komo miembro di direktiva di “Curaçaosche Baseball Assosiatie”, den mesun aña Aco a wòrdu eligí komo miembro di direktiva di Chicago Baseball Club.

Despues Aco a okupá vários funshon importante den beisbòl.


  • 1965 ko fundadó di N.A.B.A.F.E. i alabes delegado na kongreso mundial di A.I.N.B.A. na Cartagena, Colombia,
  • 1968 Aco a keda eligí komo vise presidente di C.B.A.,
  • 1972Presidente di C.B.A.,
  • 1973 Riba invitashon di Miami Florida University Baseball Club, Aco ta kompañá gezaghebber Martina  i diputado Rozendal, ámbos di felis memoria, pa Merka
  • 1973 Direktiva di C.B.A. ta organisá su promé torneo hubenil,
  • 1974 Eligí komo tesorero di A.I.N.B.A. na Panama City,
  • 1975 Invitashon pa New York Yankees bini Kòrsou,
  • 1976 Nombrá komo miembro di direktiva den konseho di deporte,
  • 1978 A invitá Charly Lou komo instruktor di bate komo wéspet di C.B.A.,
  • 1979 Eligí komo presidente di N.A.B.A.F.E.,
  • 1980 Komo delegado di N.A.B.A.F.E. pa kongreso mundial na Tokio,
  • 1981 Eligí komo miembro di direktiva di N.A.O.C.,
  • 1982 Delegado pa N.A.B.A.F.E. pa Seoul, Korea,
  • 1983 Miembro di direktiva di Stichting Koninkrijk Sport Liga,
  • 1984 Sèrtifikado di A.I.N.B.A risibí dor di Sr. E Smit,

        Koningklijke onderscheiding ontvangen; Ridder in orde van oranje Nassau in goud

  • 1985 Miembro di direktiva di Curaçao Little League,
  • 1986 – 1992 presidente di F.E.B.E.K.O.,
  • 1986 – 1992 presidente di N.A.B.A.F.E.
  • 1987 – 2002 presidente Federashon Sentronan di Bario Korsou
  • mei 1994 /mei 2003Miembro F.A.J Federatie Antilliaanse Jeugdzorg.


English Version


Heraclio Marco Perfecto Henriquez, (Baseball)

Administrative Manager.

Better known as Aco, born on April 18, 1927.


Aco began his career in the sports world in 1955 as a member of the board of the “Curaçaosche Baseball Association,” in the same year, Aco was elected as a board member of the Chicago Baseball Club. Afterward, Aco held various important roles in baseball.


In 1965, he co-founded N.A.B.A.F.E. and was a delegate at the world congress of A.I.N.B.A. in Cartagena, Colombia.

In 1968, Aco was elected as vice president of C.B.A.

In 1972, he became the President of C.B.A.

In 1973, at the invitation of the Miami Florida University Baseball Club, Aco accompanied Governor Martina and Deputy Rozendal, both of blessed memory, to the United States.

In 1973, the C.B.A. board organized its first youth tournament.

In 1974, he was elected as the treasurer of A.I.N.B.A. in Panama City.

In 1975, he received an invitation for the New York Yankees to come to Curaçao.

In 1976, he was appointed as a board member in the sports council.

In 1978, he invited Charly Lou as a batting instructor for C.B.A.

In 1979, he was elected as the President of N.A.B.A.F.E.

In 1980, as the delegate of N.A.B.A.F.E., he attended the world congress in Tokyo.

In 1981, he was elected as a board member of N.A.O.C.

In 1982, he was a delegate for N.A.B.A.F.E. in Seoul, Korea.

In 1983, a board member of the Stichting Koninkrijk Sport Liga.

In 1984, he received the A.I.N.B.A. certificate from Mr. E. Smit, Royal decoration; Knight in the Order of Orange Nassau in gold.

In 1985, a board member of Curaçao Little League.

From 1986 to 1992, he served as the president of F.E.B.E.K.O.

From 1986 to 1992, president of N.A.B.A.F.E.

From 1987 to 2002, president of the Federation of Centers of Curaçao Neighborhoods.

From May 1994 to May 2003, a member of F.A.J, the Federation of Antillean Youth Care.