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Hall of Fame

Ernest Smith

Nòmber: Ernest Felix Smith
Fecha Nasementu: 19 di novèmber 1923
Lugá: St. Lucia
Fayesé: 4 sèptèmber 1982
Deporte: Umpire di Beisbòl

A drenta salon di fama na 1985

Ernest  Felix  Smith a nase na St. Lucia dia 19 di novèmber 1923 i a bini Kòrsou dia 2 di febrüari di aña 1943. Dia 6 di mei 1949 Smith a bai biba na Aruba te 16 di sèptèmber 1950, dia ku el a bolbe bek Kòrsou i bai biba na Mahuma.

Bibando serka banda di unda e ekipo Vesta tabata prosedé, Ernest Smith a bai yuda e ekipo di futbòl aki, defendiendo bou di e latanan komo un bon portero di e promé onsena te na aña 1956. Di aña 1956 bini ariba Ernest Felix Smith a dediká su mes prinsipalmente na e deporte Baseball, den kual el a partisipá tantu komo pelotero, dirigente tékniko den tur e fasetanan komo tal esta entrenadó, coach i manager, i alabes komo umpire, kual funshon el a ehersé i eksilá den dje pa 26 aña largu te 4 di sèptèmber 1982, dia ku el a fayesé.

Siendo pelotero, Sr. Smith a aktua den e ekipo Chicago, komo dirigente tékniko el a funshoná komo entrenadó i manager den tantu Little League Senior League, klase A i AA pa vários aña. Alabes e tabata entrenadó i manager di selekshon di tantu Kòrsou komo Antia na vários okashon. Su kontribushon na konstrukshon di Little League Ball Park tabata valioso.

Umpire for di aña 1956, Ernest Felix Smith tabata un dje luchadónan grandi pa organisá Curaçao Umpire and  Scorer Association. E tabata un miembro kumplidó i dispuesto na yuda tur momento, tantu paden komo pafó di tereno, PA SU BON TRABOU TA KONSIDERE KOMO E MIHO UMPIRE KU KORSOU I ANTIA A KONOSÉ.

Su presensia riba tereno tabata nifiká rèspèt.
Smith a bira umpire internashonal na aña 1970 i a keda esaki te na ora di su morto. El a aktua na vários kampeonato mundial amatùr, weganan Panamericano, Sentro Amerikano i del Caribe i otro tipo di torneonan Internashonal.Despues di a kaba di aktua eksitosamente den weganan Centro Amerikano i del Caribe 1982 na Habana, Cuba, Smith mester a ninga un invitashon pa aktua den kampeonato Mundial Amatùr 1982 na Korea, komokiera ku su mama tabata sufri kebrante di salu. FEDERASHON MUNDIAL DI BASEBALL AMATEUR AINDA. tabata konsiderá Ernest Felix Smith komo un dje mihó umpirenan amatùr di mundu. Den su último kontribushon na su deporte preferí, dos dia promé ku su morto repentino dia 4-9-82, Smith a aktua komo chiefumpire den Play -Off Semi-final pa Kampeonato di Kòrsou 1982

English Version

Ernest Felix Smith was born in St. Lucia on November 19, 1923, and moved to Curaçao on February 2, 1943. After living in Aruba for a period, he returned to Curaçao and settled in Mahuma. Initially known for his skills as a goalkeeper in soccer, Smith later transitioned to baseball, where he excelled as a player, coach, manager, and umpire.

 In soccer, he played a significant role as a goalkeeper for the Vesta team and actively contributed to the sport until 1956. After that, he dedicated himself primarily to baseball, participating as a player and taking on various roles such as coach, manager, and umpire.

 Smith played for the Chicago baseball team and served as a coach and manager in different categories of Little League, including Senior League, Class A, and AA. He also coached and managed teams for Curaçao and the Netherlands Antilles.

 As an umpire, Smith became a key member of the Curaçao Umpire and Scorer Association, working to improve the organization of umpires on the island. His dedication and professionalism earned him a reputation as one of the best umpires in Curaçao and the Netherlands Antilles.

 Internationally recognized, Smith became an international umpire in 1970, officiating in various world championships, Pan American Games, Central American and Caribbean Games, and other international tournaments.

 Despite his mother’s health issues, Smith continued to umpire at a high level until his sudden death on September 4, 1982. His last act was as the chief umpire in the Play-Off Semi-final for the Curaçao Championship in 1982.

 In summary, Ernest Felix Smith made significant contributions to both soccer and baseball in Curaçao. His versatility allowed him to excel as a player, coach, manager, and umpire, leaving a lasting impact on the sports community.