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Hall of Fame

Wilfred (Willie) Pieter

Nòmber:  Wilfred (Willie) Pieter
Fecha Nasementu:  17 november 1935
Lugá:  Korsou
Deporte:  Beisbòl
Fayesé:  2 februari 1978

A drenta salon di fama 1985

Mr. Baseball DOUBLE YOU

Hungadó di Baseball Aktivo den Añanan 1961 – 1977

Miembro di Royal Scorpions B.B.C.

Logronan riba tereno, ta masha importante pa kualkier deportista. Ta nan ta pone e espektador haña atenshon pa su persona i asina ta konvertié den un ídolo.

Pero igualmente ta di importansia, ku e logronan riba tereno di wega, ta kompaña pa ehèmpelnan di dedikashon, disiplina i kompañerismo.

E introdukshon kòrtiku ku nos a kaba di presentá, ta pa siguí e presentashon di WILLIE PIETERS, hungadó di beisbòl, miembro aktivo ROYAL SCORPIONS BASEBALL CLUB na momentu di  su morto trágiko dia 2 di febrüari 1978.

Mas òf ménos 16 aña WILLIE  PIETERS a militá aktivamente den klase superior di beisbòl i kada klasifiká den grupo di hungadó, ku a destaká, sea de kampeonato regular òf torneo lokal, interinsular òf  internashonal .

Aunke e rekuerdo di su hazañanan ta bibu ainda den memoria i mayoria di esnan presente aki, nos ta haña ku ta nesesario menshoná algun di su logronan, a fin di duna konstansia di eseinan i asina hustifiká ku datonan, e motibu ku a skohé pa forma parti di nos SALON DI FAMA . Sí t’asina ku e datonan ku nos ta duna no ta kompleto, pe loke nos por suministrá, ya ta basta pa nos meta.

Na aña 1965, Willy Pieters q.e.p.d. ta sali kampion bate di e torneo Beproma. E ta logra e distinshon aki, esta kampion bate di e kampeonato tambe na añanan 1967, 1968, 1969 i pa último bia na 1977.

E ta sali komo kampeon di homerun na añanan 1970, 1974.

Na aña 1968 e ta haña e distinshon di Most Valuable Player na aña 1972 mihó deportista di aña,.

Di un aña, esta 1967, nos tin e datonan, ku ela logra e tripel korona, esta ku e tabata kampeon bate, mas hit konektá i mas kareda empuhá, ademas e tabatin mas homerun, doblete tripel i kareda anotá.

Den e turneonan interinsular tambe Willy Pieters a destaká asina nos por menshoná ku ela forma parti dje tim ganadó di Firestone ku den dékada di 60 ta kohe e promé título di kampeon Antiano di Beisbòl.

Pa loke Willy Pieters a logra riba terenonan internashonal nos tin di menshoná na promé lugá ku na aña 1970, durante e weganan Panamerikano, a Panamá, ku Antia pèrdiendo tur nan 8 weganan , e ta sali kampeon bate ku un averahe di 560 punto, entre e 162 partisipantenan. Na 1967 e ta haña e distinkshon di mihó hungadó dje torneo tené na Hulanda, pa na aña 1972 e resultá e hungadó ku mas homerun konektá dje torneo ku ta tuma lugá e aña ei.

Na aña 1976, na okashon ku Curaçaose Baseball Associatie ta selebrá su 40 aña di exitensia, ku un torneo internashonal, e organisashon máximo ta dediká e torneo aki na Willy Pieters , komo rekonosementu pa su aporte n’e deporte.

Apesar di tabata i ta loke prensa a denomin’é un supestar Willy Pieters a duna prueba di su dedikashon na su deporte stimá dor di sea, train klupnan, aktua komo umpire pa klasenan ménos den kategoria ku e ta partisipá aden i en general hasi tur loke ta na su alkanse, pa propaganda su deporte stimá.

Mester pone aserka su kondukta ehemplar riba tereno i tambe pafó di esei, kaminda semper bai e ta un kompañero apresiá di su miembronan di ekipo òf di e selekshon, ku ta forma parti di dje.

Su entusiasmo pe wega kompaña pa un sentido di humor, ta insitá esnan ku ta rondon’é, pa tende lo mehor riba tereno.

Esaki en korto, ta loke nos por a trese dilanti awe na momentu ku nos designá WILLY PIETERS. komo miembro di nos SALA DI FAMA di deporte C.S.F.

English Version

 Mr. Baseball DOUBLE YOU

Baseball Player Active in the Years 1961 – 1977

Member of Royal Scorpions B.B.C.

 Achievements on the field are of great importance to any athlete. They captivate the spectator’s attention, turning the player into an idol. Equally important are the on-field achievements, serving as examples of dedication, discipline, and camaraderie.

 The brief introduction we just presented is to continue with the presentation of WILLIE PIETERS, a baseball player and active member of the ROYAL SCORPIONS BASEBALL CLUB at the time of his tragic death on February 2, 1978.

 For approximately 16 years, WILLIE PIETERS actively participated in the top tier of baseball, consistently standing out in various player groups, whether in regular championships or local, inter-island, or international tournaments.

 Even though memories of his achievements are still vivid, and most of those present here remember him well, we find it necessary to mention some of his accomplishments to provide a basis for the decision to include him in our HALL OF FAME. If the information we provide is not exhaustive, what we can offer is sufficient for our purpose.

 In 1965, the late Willy Pieters became the batting champion of the Beproma tournament. He achieved this distinction again in the years 1967, 1968, 1969, and, finally, in 1977. He also became the home run champion in the years 1970 and 1974.

 In 1968, he received the Most Valuable Player award, and in 1972, he was honored as the Athlete of the Year.

 In 1967, we have the data that he achieved the triple crown, being the batting champion, having the most hits, and driving in the most runs. Additionally, he had the most home runs, doubles, triples, and runs scored.

 In the inter-island tournaments, Willy Pieters stood out. It’s worth mentioning that he was part of the winning team of Firestone that took the first title of Antillean Baseball in the 1960s.

 Regarding his international achievements, it’s noteworthy that in 1970, during the Pan American Games in Panama, despite Antilles losing all 8 games, he emerged as the batting champion with an average of 560 points among 162 participants. In 1967, he was recognized as the best player in the tournament held in the Netherlands, and in 1972, he became the player with the most home runs in a tournament held that year.

 In 1976, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Curaçaose Baseball Associatie, during an international tournament, the organization dedicated the event to Willy Pieters as recognition for his contribution to the sport.

 Despite being hailed as a superstar by the press, Willy Pieters proved his dedication to his beloved sport by coaching teams, acting as an umpire for lower-level categories in which he participated, and, in general, doing everything within his reach to promote his beloved sport. It is essential to highlight his exemplary conduct both on and off the field, where he remains a cherished teammate, whether part of the team or the selection.

 His enthusiasm for the game, coupled with a sense of humor, invites those around him to experience the best on the field.

 In short, this is what we can present today as we designate WILLY PIETERS as a member of our SPORTS HALL OF FAME, C.S.F.