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Hall of Fame

Ricardo Elhage

Maximo Rufino Paula,

mihó konosí komo Max, a nasé dia 30 di yüli 1933.

Max a práktika e deportenan di tènis, futból i vòlibòl.

Ku 14 aña Max tabata kiper di Atletiko Oriental di Mari Pampoen den B klasse i despues kiper pa Sithoc.

Max tabata un di e mihó kipernan di pariba di brug, e tabata konosí pa su kurashi.

Aki ta siguí Max su aktividatnan den deporte:

  • 1965: Max ta kuminsá práktiká vòlibòl, tempu ku ei tabata é deporte. Max a

          dirigí tantu Top komo Valuas, kual tur dos tabata klupnan kampeon.

  • 1970: Max a drenta direktiva di S.O.V. Asiento i ta terminá komo presidente di

               klup na añanan 90.

  • 1971: Max a drenta C.L.T.B. (Curaçao Lawn Tennis Bond).

  • 1972: bou di guía di Max e promé ekipo húbenil di Kòrsou a partisipá na Jitic

                     (Juegos Infantil de Tenis Centro Américano y del Caribe).

  • 1974: komo tesorero Max ta drenta den direktiva di Komité Olímpiko Antiano.

  • 1974: promé Jitic ta wòrdu organisá na Kòrsou bou di guía di Max.

  • 1975: Max ta wòrdu eligí komo komisario den e promé NATLB, konsistiendo di

                     Aruba, Boneiru i Kòrsou.

  • 1975: komo hefe di delegashon di tènis Max ta biaha pa Surnam durante e di

          10 weganan di Reino.

  • 1975: pa su desempeño den tènis, Max ta risibí un rekonosimentu di parti di

          C.S.F. (Curaçaose Sport Federatie).

  • 1977: Max ta wòrdu elegí komo komisario di N.A.O.C.

  • 1978: komo chef di mishon Max ta biaha pa Juegos Centro Américano y del

                     Caribe na Medelín, Colombia.

  • 1978: NAFT bou di direkshon di Max ta apliká pa bira ful miembro di I.T.F.

               (International Tennis Federation)

  • 1979: Max ta wòrdu eligí komo presidente di NATF i ta keda na e puesto aki te

          aña 1999, esta 20 aña.

  • 1979: Max ta fungí un bes mas komo chef di mishon na Juegos Panaméricano

          na Cuba.

  • 1981: ta bolbe eligí Max komo tesorero di N.A.O.C.

  • 1983: Max ta organisá “The Miller Tournament of Champions”.

  • 1986: huntu ku Hilberto “Betto” Thomas, Max su sekretario pa bida, i ku otronan

                     a fundá Fundashon Kopa Iyo Pimentel.

  • 1988: Antias ta bira ful miembro di ITF despues di 10 aña ku a apliká i alabes a

                partisipá na e promé Davis Cup. Esaki ta e logro mas grandi ku un    

                persona por logra pa su país den tènis internashonal.

  • 1989: bou di liderasko di Max, e promé edishon di Kopa Iyo Pimentel a tuma lugá

                na Kòrsou. Un torneo internashonal ku a ser organisá pa 20 aña largu

                komo rekonosimentu na Iyo Pimentel.

  • 1999: Max ta risibí kondekorashon real komo “Ridder in de Orde van Oranje

          Nassau” pa su trabou deportivo i tambe komo profeshonal.

  • 1994: Max ta keda eligí komo vice presidente di COTECC (Confederación de

          Tenis de Centro América y del Caribe).

  • 1995: Max ta risibí plaka di merito di C.S.F. komo dirigente atministrativo.

  • 1999: aki Max ta terminá su karera deportivo komo presidente di NATF, tambe

                     komo miembro di COTECC i alabes ultimo aña organisando Kopa Iyo


Esaki ta Max, un hòmber impreshonante ku un karera deportivo aun más impreshonante.

English version


Maximo Rufino Paula, better known as Max, was born on July 30, 1933.

Max practiced the sports of tennis, football, and volleyball. At the age of 14, Max served as the goalkeeper for Atletiko Oriental di Mari Pampoen in the B class and later as the goalkeeper for Sithoc.

Max was one of the best goalkeepers on the island, known for his agility.

Here is a summary of Max’s activities in sports:

1965: Max started practicing volleyball and became a coach for both Top and Valuas, both of which were championship clubs.

1970: Max joined the board of S.O.V. Asiento and ended as the club president in the 90s.

1971: Max joined the Curaçao Lawn Tennis Bond (C.L.T.B.).

1972: Under Max’s guidance, the first youth tennis team from Curaçao participated in the Central American and Caribbean Children’s Tennis Games (Jitic).

1974: Max, as treasurer, became part of the board of the Antillean Olympic Committee.

1974: The first Jitic was organized in Curaçao under Max’s leadership.

1975: Max was elected as a commissioner in the first NATLB, consisting of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao.

1975: As the head of the tennis delegation, Max traveled to Suriname during the 10 Kingdom Games.

1975: Max received recognition from the Curaçao Sport Federation (C.S.F.) for his achievements in tennis.

1977: Max was elected as a commissioner of N.A.O.C.

1978: As the mission chief, Max traveled to the Central American and Caribbean Games in Medellin, Colombia.

1978: Under Max’s direction, NAFT applied to become a full member of the International Tennis Federation (I.T.F.).

1979: Max was elected as the president of NATF and remained in this position until 1999, a total of 20 years.

1979: Max served once again as the mission chief at the Pan American Games in Cuba.

1981: Max was re-elected as the treasurer of N.A.O.C.

1983: Max organized “The Miller Tournament of Champions.”

1986: Along with Hilberto “Betto” Thomas, Max’s life secretary, and others, Max founded the Kopa Iyo Pimentel Foundation.

1988: The Antilles became a full member of the ITF after 10 years of application and also participated in the first Davis Cup. This was the greatest achievement that a person could achieve for their country in international tennis.

1989: Under Max’s leadership, the first edition of the Kopa Iyo Pimentel took place in Curaçao. An international tournament organized for 20 years as a recognition of Iyo Pimentel.

1999: Max received the royal decoration as “Ridder in de Orde van Oranje Nassau” for his sports and professional work.

1994: Max was re-elected as the vice president of COTECC (Confederation of Tennis of Central America and the Caribbean).

1995: Max received the merit plaque from C.S.F. as an administrative leader.

1999: Max concluded his sports career as the president of NATF, also as a member of COTECC, and the last year organizing the Kopa Iyo Pimentel.

This is Max, an impressive man with an even more impressive sports career.