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Hall of Fame

Ricardo Elhage

Marguérite Marie Sprock-de Rooy,

(Tènis di Mesa)

Deportista – Dirigente Atministrativo – Dirigente Tékniko -Wes

Mihó konosí komo Maggy, a nasé dia 22 di sèptèmber 1943.

Maggy a kuminsá práktika e deporte di pinpòn na  aña 1963 na Asiento ku 20 aña di edat.. E deporte aki Maggy a práktika aktivamente pa 35 aña largu, i despues a siguí aktivo den funshonnan atministrativo i tékniko pero tambe den e parti di arbitrahe.



Den funshon atministrativo Maggy a fungi 17 aña komo sekretaria di federashon i a tuma su retiro na mart 1993. Maggy su “role model” tabata sra Irene Moreno (Q.e.p.d.) Durante añanan e tabata hungadó, dirigente i alabes entrenadó di hubenilnan (for di 1984) i de e damanan (Liga Pasa Tempu) for di 1985 “Traning” nan tabata tuma lugá na SDK i ku tempu na Sentro Irene Moreno. Na 1985 e’la lanta Liga Pasa Tempu di dama, kual tabata un éksito durante 10 aña. Maggy tabata presidente di su mes tim, esta KFC? shot, ku tabatin entre 60 pa 90 miembro, konsistiendo di hóbennan i hende grandi. E tim a kue diferente titulo, sea kampeon òf sub kampeon individual òf den tim.

Logronan di Maggy Sprock


  • 1966    Tabata Maggy su promé torneo Internashonal “11e Campeonato Norte Central

America i del Caribe” hunga na Kòrsou.

  • 1968    Kampeon dobel + di Tim huntu ku Sra. Nelly Landstra na e “111er Campeonato

Norte-Centra america i del Caribe” (NOSCECA) E ta úniko dama ku a yega di gana un titulo pa Kòrsou



  • 1970    Kampeon Antiano+ kampeon dòbel huntu ku Gloria Croes.
  • 1973    Tripel Kampeon – (single – dobel- mixed dobel: Kampeonato Kòrsou )
  • 1982    Kampeon Antiano (úniko ku a gana un titulo pa Korsou na Aruba).

            Kampeon CTTB-cup (+ na 1983, 1985, 1990)

            Sub-kampeon CTTBcup na 1984 + 1991 (“Cur. Tafeltennis Bond”)

  • 1983    Di 3 posishon den 1st Antilleann Top 8
  • 1984    Sub-kampeon den 2nd Antillean Top 8
  • 1987    Maggy a sali e mihó hungadó di aña
  • 1988    Tabata Maggy su mihó aña, komo hungado, komo ela logra gana tur 9 torneo di e 

aña ei, ku eksepshon di unu, i a Sali “The best player of the year.


  • 1989    E di “31st Caribbean Table Tennis Championships” aki na Kòrsou a wòrdu dediká na

                  na dje bou di e nòmber “The Maggy Sprock Games” ku partisipashon di 23 pais.

  • 1991    Sub-Kampeon + sub-kampeon den mixed dòbel huntu ku Ronaldi Vos.


  • 1992    Sub-kampeon di Kòrsou+ sub kampeon den dòbel huntu ku sra.Ingrid van de Hilst.


Maggy tabata train di 9 or pa 2or tur djasabra, huntu ku su miembronan di direktiva di KFC/Shot. Hopi evento sosial tabata wòrdu organisá, komo ku e tabata weta su funshon tambe komo un edukador.

Direktiva di KFC/Shot a dediká aña 1996 na su honor.


Na 1997 el’a tuma su retiro total, despues di 34 aña den e deporte, El’a traha ku hopi amor pa e deporte i e tabata stim’é masha tantu mes. Semper el’a boga pa union-disiplina-kompetensia sano- rèspèt pa otro toleransha i komunikashon.


Maggy a pone semper un meta su dilanti i a traha duru pa e logra. Komo ku e tabata mira tur komo un “Challenge”


Maggy a partisipá na kursonan pa dirigente, kurso básiko riba movementu olímpiko (na 1992); kurso pa entrenadó hubenil i tambe di árbitro.

El’a koordiná diferente aktividat di fundraising manera –modeshow bingo, bon-kune feria diferente loteria “fundraising” “dinner”.



Aparte di esaki nan Maggy a fungi komo sekretaria den otro organisashonnan manera Toasmaster i grupo di karnaval.


Paisnan ku Maggy a bishita komo hungadó òf delegado tabata Trinidad& Tobago 2 x Colombia, Nicaragua, Rep. Dominikana, Jamaica, Venezuela, Aruba, Sta.Maarten Bonaire.


  • 1989    Maggy a representá Kòrsou komo delegado na Weganan Mundial di Tènis di Mesa na

Dortmund (Alemania) huntu ku un tim 

  • 1990    Pa Komité Olímpiko el’a partisipá na Weganan Sentro Americano i del Caribe na

Mexico. Komo Chaperonne di e ramonan: Bowling, Tiru, Esgrima, Tènis di Mesa i atletismo.

  • 1991    Chaperonne di nos softball-team nashonal (18 persona) na e di XI Weganan  

Panamerikano i del CARIBE” NA Santiago de Cuba.


Maggy 8 biaha tabata kampeon di Kòrsou.

Na 1970,1973,1975,1981,1982,1984,1988.)


Maggy tabata e úniko dama ku a yega di gana un título pa Kòrsou den un kompetensha Antiano, e tin un rekòrt di 105 título ganá.



Tambe Maggy a fundá Liga Pasa Tempu pa damas, kua tabata masha eksitoso durante di 10 aña largu.

Den funshon tékniko Maggy a optené su sertifikado di entrenadó.

Otro sertifikado ku Maggy a risibí ta esun di su partisipashon na “International Umpires and Referees”.


Maggy a representá Kòrsou na masha hopi okashon na e siguiente paisnan: Aruba, kaminda Maggy a sali kampeon Antiano den single i dòbel, tambe den turneonan na Trinidad & Tobago, Colombia, Repúblika Dominicano, Jamaica, Venezuela. Na Alemania komo delegado pa Weganan Mundial. Na Mexico komo chaperone di entre otro pinpòn na Weganan Sentroamérikano i di Karibe, i na Cuba na Weganan Panamericano.

Na 1989 tabatin e “31st Caribbean Table Tennis Championship” organisá na Kòrsou, dediká na Maggy.

English version


Marguérite Marie Sprock-de Rooy,

(Table Tennis)

Athlete – Administrative Leader – Technical Leader – West

Better known as Maggy, she was born on September 22, 1943.


Maggy began playing table tennis in 1963 at Asiento at the age of 20. She actively participated in this sport for 35 long years and then continued to be active in administrative and technical roles as well as in the field of refereeing.


In her administrative role, Maggy served as the secretary of the federation for 17 years and retired in March 1993. Her role model was Mrs. Irene Moreno (R.I.P.). Over the years, Maggy was a player, leader, and youth coach (since 1984) as well as a coach for the women’s team (Liga Pasa Tempu) from 1985. Training sessions took place at SDK and later at the Irene Moreno Center. In 1985, she founded the Liga Pasa Tempu for women, which was a success for 10 years. Maggy was the president of her own team, KFC? Shot, consisting of 60 to 90 members, including both youth and adults. The team won various titles, either as champions or runners-up in individual or team competitions.


Achievements of Maggy Sprock:


1966: Maggy’s first international tournament, the “11th North Central America and Caribbean Championship,” held in Curaçao.

1968: Doubles champion with Mrs. Nelly Landstra at the “11th North-Central America and Caribbean Championship” (NOSCECA). She is the only woman who has won a title for Curaçao.

1970: Antillean champion and doubles champion with Gloria Croes.

1973: Triple Champion (singles, doubles, mixed doubles: Curaçao Championship)

1982: Antillean champion (the only one to win a title for Curaçao in Aruba). CTTB-cup champion (also in 1983, 1985, 1990). CTTBcup runner-up in 1984 and 1991 (Curacao Table Tennis Bond).

1983: 3rd place in the 1st Antillean Top 8.

1984: Runner-up in the 2nd Antillean Top 8.

1987: Maggy was the best player of the year.

1988: Maggy’s best year as a player; she won all 9 tournaments of the year, except one, and was declared “The best player of the year.”

1989: The “31st Caribbean Table Tennis Championships” held in Curaçao was dedicated to her under the name “The Maggy Sprock Games” with the participation of 23 countries.

1991: Runner-up and mixed doubles runner-up with Ronaldi Vos.

1992: Curaçao runner-up and doubles runner-up with Mrs. Ingrid van de Hilst.

Maggy trained from 9 am to 2 pm every Saturday with her KFC/Shot board members. Many social events were organized under her leadership, as she also served as an educator.


In 1996, the KFC/Shot board dedicated the year to her.


In 1997, she retired completely after 34 years in the sport. She worked with great love for the sport and was highly respected. She always advocated for unity, discipline, healthy competition, respect for others, tolerance, and communication.


Maggy always set goals for herself and worked hard to achieve them, viewing everything as a challenge.


She participated in courses for leaders, basic courses on Olympic movement (in 1992), youth coach courses, and referee courses. She coordinated various fundraising activities, such as fashion shows, bingo, fundraising lotteries, and dinners.


In addition to this, Maggy served as a secretary in other organizations such as Toastmasters and carnival groups.


Countries Maggy visited as a player or delegate included Trinidad & Tobago (2x), Colombia, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Venezuela, Aruba, St. Maarten, and Bonaire.


1989: Maggy represented Curaçao as a delegate at the World Table Tennis Championships in Dortmund, Germany, with a team.

1990: She participated in the Central American and Caribbean Games in Mexico as part of the Olympic Committee, serving as a chaperone for bowling, shooting, fencing, table tennis, and athletics.

1991: Chaperone for our national softball team (18 people) at the XI Pan American Games in Santiago de Cuba.

Maggy was an eight-time champion of Curaçao (1970, 1973, 1975, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1988).


Maggy was the only woman to win a title for Curaçao in an Antillean competition, with a record of 105 titles won.


Maggy also founded the Liga Pasa Tempu for women, which was very successful for 10 years.


In her technical role, Maggy obtained her coaching certificate. Another certificate she received was for her participation in the “International Umpires and Referees.”


Maggy represented Curaçao on many occasions in various countries: Aruba (where she became Antillean champion in singles and doubles), tournaments in Trinidad & Tobago, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Venezuela, Germany as a delegate for the World Games, Mexico as a chaperone for various sports including table tennis at the Central American and Caribbean Games, and in Cuba at the Pan American Games.


In 1989, the “31st Caribbean Table Tennis Championship” was organized in Curaçao, dedicated to Maggy.