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Hall of Fame

Ricardo Elhage


Alvin Alfred Fléming, mihó konosí komo Fichi     (Beisbol)
a nasé dia 26 di yanüari 1948.
na Palu Blanku

Fichi (esei ta su nòmber di kariño)

Ku 10 aña di edat Fichi a bai biba den Monte Carmelo

Dia Fichi tabatin mas o menos 12 aña di edat, e i su amigunan a forma un ekipo di baseball ku nan a yama “Monte Carmelo Braves” i ku e ekipo aki nan tabata hunga kontra ekiponan di e.o. Suffisant – Dein – Kanga – Normandie i Buena Vista.

Na aña 1964 Fichi a bai forma parti di e ekipo di baseball Jong Curaçao den clase A

Na aña 1965 Fichi a pasa pa e ekipo di Blue Hawks den clase doble A, ekipo den kwal ela hunga te dia ela retira na aña 1979.

For di aña 1970 te ku dia ela retira ela retira, Fichi a hunga 3ra base den tur selekshon tantu di Korsou komo di Antias Hulandes i tambe ela reforsa diferente ekipo lokal tantu na Korsou komo den Exterior hungando 3ra base.

Fichi a representa Antiyas den 6 Juegos Sentro Americano y del Caribe … na 1978 (komo hungador) i 1982 ;86 ;90 ;93 ;98  komo sea entrenador coach of manager.

Fichi a representa Antiyas den 5 Kampeonato Mundial 1970/1971/1973 komo hungador i 1984 i 1986 komo entrenador /coach

Fichi a representa Antiyas den 4 Juegos Pan Americanos 1983/1987/1991/1995 sea komo entrenador/coach of manager)

Fichi a hunga softball tambe den e equipo di Paradise (Indju Country Club)

Den softball tambe Fichi a representa Korsou i Antias den torneonan regional na diferente okashon e.o. 1968 Sto Domingo – 1969 St Thomas – 1970 Korsou – 1977 Mexico

Na aña 1979, gracias na intervenshon di sr. Lipo Elhage i sr Errol Cova, Fichi a bai Springfield College kaminda ela sigi un kurso di Entrenador di Baseball

Na aña 1980, Fichi ku asistencia di defuntu Soof Antonia a tuma e ekipo di baseball hubenil Augustinus ku tabata konsisti di hungadornan di Suffisant i besindario na su enkargo

Na añanan 1980 i 1981 e ekipo di Augustinus a titula kampion di Korsou (eseinan tabata e añanan di mayor satisfakshon pa Fichi komo entrenador/manager)

For di aña 1982 te ku resientemente Fichi a dirigi diferente equipo di doble A ku ela logra hinka den playoff kasi tur aña i tambe ela forma parti di selekshon di Korsou i Antiyas te ku aña 1998 komo coach – entrenador i tambe manager.

Komo trahador di SEDREKO Fichi a duna asistencia tekniko na diferente ekipo i skolnan ku a hasi petishon pesei i tambe huntu ku Taffy de Jongh ela duna diferente kurso basiko pa Entrenador di baseball/softball.

Di 2007 pa 2009 bou di presidencia di sr Armin Konket, Fichi a fungi komo Direktor Tecnico di e selekshon di baseball di Korsou.

Fichi a forma parti di e selekshon di baseball di Weganan di Reino 1979 i 1981 komo  entrenador/coach.
Na aña 2003 Fichi a okupa e funshon di Hefe di Delegacion di e selekshon di baseball den Weganan di Reino na Aruba

Kampionato Pan Americano Hubenil 2003 i 2011 (entrenador /coach)

Na aña 2001 Fichi a fungi komo coach di e ekipo Amsterdam Pirates den baseball Hulandes.

Na aña 2004 riba invitashon di e organisashon di baseball/softball “ Ban Topa “ di Amsterdam Fichi a bai duna un kurso di entrenador/coach di baseball/softball na Hulanda.

Di aña 2003 pa 2011 Fichi a forma parti di e Comision Tecnica de Menores di Confederacion Pan Americano de Baseball (COPABE) durante kwal periodo ela fungi komo Comisario Tecnico na diferente torneo di COPABE i hasta un bia komo Director di un torneo infantil na Nicaragua.

Algun logro komo hungador: 
1970 –  Kampion di Korsou i Antiyas ku Blue Hawks
1972 –  Hungador mas valioso di Haarlemse Honkbalweek (Hulanda) 
1976 –  Kampion bate di Korsou 
1977 –  Lider di homerun i líder di kareda empuhá di Korsou


Algun logro komo entrenador /coach of manager:
1980 –  Kampion Hubenil di Korsou ku Augustinus  (entrenador/manager)
1981 –  Kampion Hubenil di Korsou ku Augustinus  (entrenador/manager)
1982 –  Medaya di Brons na Weganan Sentro American y del Caribe na Cuba (coach)
1986 – Medaya di Plata  na  Weganan Sentro Americano y del Caribe na Sto Domingo (entrenador)
1994 –  Kampion di Korsou ku Wildcats (entrenador/manager)
1994 –  Medaya di oro na Weganan di Sur America (ODESUR) na Venezuela (entrenador/manager)
1994 –  Personahe di aña di e kolumna di Sr. Ricardo Isebia

Mester apunta ku e aña di mas eksitoso di Fichi komo manager tabata 1994.
Wildcats a gana su 8 ultimo weganan di kampionato regular pa logra klasifika pa playoff …. Gana 7 wega sigí den playoff pa titula kampion di Korsou pa un total di 15 wega sigí ganá

Despues di esei Fichi komo manager di Selekshon di Korsou a gana e 2 prome weganan di un serie best of 3 pa gana e derecho di forma Selekshon di Antias. (e weganan ganá konsekutivo a bira 17)

Despues di esei komo manager di Selekshon di Antiyas Fichi a gana e prome 5 weganan den e torneo ODESUR pa kompleta 22 wega oficial sigí ganá riba su nòmber i tambe gana medalla di oro pa prome bia den un torneo regional ku un selekshon

English Version

Alvin Alfred Fleming, better known as Fichi (Baseball)


Born on January 26, 1948, in Palu Blanku

Fichi (his nickname)


At the age of 10, Fichi moved to live in Monte Carmelo. By the time Fichi was around 12 years old, he and his friends formed a baseball team called the “Monte Carmelo Braves.” This team played against other teams such as Suffisant, Dein, Kanga, Normandie, and Buena Vista.


In 1964, Fichi joined the Curaçao Junior baseball team in Class A. In 1965, he moved to the Blue Hawks team in Double-A class, playing until his retirement in 1979.


From 1970 until his retirement, Fichi played as the third baseman for various selections, both for Curaçao and the Dutch Antilles, and reinforced different local teams in Curaçao and internationally.


Fichi represented the Antilles in six Central American and Caribbean Games: 1978 as a player and 1982, 1986, 1990, 1993, 1998 as a coach or manager. He also participated in five World Championships: 1970/1971/1973 as a player and 1984, 1986 as a coach/manager.


Additionally, Fichi took part in four Pan American Games: 1983, 1987, 1991, 1995, either as a coach or manager. He also played softball for the Paradise team at the Indju Country Club, representing Curaçao and the Antilles in regional tournaments in various locations.


In 1979, with the intervention of Mr. Lipo Elhage and Mr. Errol Cova, Fichi went to Springfield College to pursue a coaching course.


In 1980, with the assistance of the late Soof Antonia, Fichi took charge of the youth baseball team Augustinus, consisting of players from Suffisant and the surrounding area. In 1980 and 1981, the Augustinus team became champions of Curaçao, marking significant achievements for Fichi as a coach/manager.


From 1982 until recently, Fichi coached various Double-A teams, leading them to the playoffs almost every year. He was also part of the Curaçao and Antilles selections until 1998 as a coach, trainer, and manager.


As an employee of SEDREKO, Fichi provided technical assistance to different teams and schools. He, along with Taffy de Jongh, conducted various basic courses for baseball/softball coaches.


From 2007 to 2009, under the presidency of Mr. Armin Konket, Fichi served as the Technical Director of the Curaçao baseball selection. He also participated in the Kingdom Games in 1979 and 1981 as a coach.


In 2003, Fichi took on the role of Head of Delegation for the baseball selection at the Kingdom Games in Aruba. He achieved success with the Youth Pan American Championship in 2003 and 2011 as a coach.


In 2001, Fichi worked as a coach for the Amsterdam Pirates baseball team in the Netherlands. In 2004, he was invited by the baseball/softball organization “Ban Topa” in Amsterdam to conduct a coaching course in the Netherlands.


From 2003 to 2011, Fichi was part of the Technical Commission for Minors of the Pan American Baseball Confederation (COPABE). During this period, he served as Technical Commissioner at various COPABE tournaments and even as the Director of a youth tournament in Nicaragua.


Some player achievements:


1970: Champion of Curaçao and the Antilles with Blue Hawks

1972: Most Valuable Player of Haarlemse Honkbalweek (Netherlands)

1976: Batting champion of Curaçao

1977: Home run leader and RBI leader of Curaçao

Some coaching/manager achievements:


1980: Youth Champion of Curaçao with Augustinus (coach/manager)

1981: Youth Champion of Curaçao with Augustinus (coach/manager)

1982: Bronze Medal at the Central American and Caribbean Games in Cuba (coach)

1986: Silver Medal at the Central American and Caribbean Games in Santo Domingo (manager)

1994: Champion of Curaçao with Wildcats (manager)

1994: Gold Medal at the South American Games (ODESUR) in Venezuela (manager)

1994: Person of the Year in Mr. Ricardo Isebia’s column

It’s worth noting that Fichi’s most successful year as a manager was 1994, where Wildcats won their last 8 regular-season games, followed by 7 consecutive wins in the playoffs, ultimately winning a total of 15 consecutive games. After that, as the manager of the Curaçao Selection, Fichi won the first 2 games of a best-of-three series to earn the right to form the Netherlands Antilles Selection, making it 17 consecutive wins. Following this, as the manager of the Netherlands Antilles Selection, Fichi won the first 5 games in the ODESUR tournament, completing 22 official consecutive wins on his record and securing a gold medal for the first time in a regional tournament with a selection.