Siman Olímpiko 2024
Prepará pa FDOK su di tres edishon di Siman Olímpiko. Un evento kaminda 26 federashon di deporte ta reuní, ku e meta pa krea un esfera olímpiko briante riba nos isla i tambe pa yuda engrandese deporte na un nivel general. E Siman Olímpiko aki lo tuma lugá di 4 ougùstùs pa 11 2024 .
FDOK Kaminata 2024
Jòin nos kaminata 11 di ougùstùs! Un kaminata ku komo meta pa rekouda fondo pa deporte riba nos isla, i alabes konsientisá i motivá nos pueblo pa biba un bida mas salú.
Por registra pa FDOK su kaminata di 5KM òf 10KM, tur dos ku salida for di FDOK su ofisina na Breedestraat.
Preis pa e kaminata ta Naf. 25,- inkluso un T-shirt Dry-Fit i konsumo.
Olympic Week
“The goal of this event is to create an Olympic atmosphere on our island and also to promote and encourage sports. As a result, FDOK provides the community of Curaçao with the opportunity to experience sports in the form of a ‘Sport showcase.’ The intention is to make this an annual event and that all sports federations have the exact same opportunity to promote their sports in our community.
ADA Awards
These awards acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of athletes who have excelled in their sports during the previous year. The Athlete of the Year “ADA Awards” play a significant role in recognizing, motivating, and inspiring athletes, fostering healthy competition, and promoting sports within society. These awards contribute to the overall development and success of the sports community.
Collection Month
The goal is to collect funds that can be used to support sports programs, facilities, and athletes in Curaçao. This can include funding for training, equipment, and infrastructure improvements. In summary, the Collection Month in June serves as an important annual fundraising event with the goal of collecting funds to support sports in Curacao, benefiting both athletes and the community.